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What would you say to Hollywood’s top influencers? Tell us, and win a trip for two!

Last Updated: August 29, 2016

Imagine you’re sitting at dinner with some of Hollywood’s top 300 influencers (celebrities, producers, directors)…  what would you say to them?

Time to find out! Covenant Eyes is sponsoring an all-expense paid trip for two to the 25th Anniversary Movieguide Awards Gala in February, 2017.

Movieguide ( is by far the most successful organization encouraging the movie industry to produce wholesome, redemptive movies.  The major film houses often consult with Movieguide when they are producing Christian and family content.

You can learn all about Movieguide in this video interview between Covenant Eyes’ President Ron DeHaas and Movieguide COO Robert Baehr.

Movieguide produces great resources, like an app to see specific movie content, an annual statistical review, and the Movieguide magazine.  The statistical summary shows how family content in movies, and specifically Christian, generates more box office revenue than R-rated movies.

Every year, they also host the Annual Movieguide Awards Banquet.  Covenant Eyes will be attending the 2017 banquet, and would like to take one of our members along to meet the celebrities in Hollywood.

So who will receive the all-expense paid trip for two to the 2017 Gala?  Any Covenant Eyes member can enter! All you have to do is, in 500 words or less, answer the question “If you are at the Movieguide Gala sitting with one of the top 300 influencers of Hollywood, what would you say to that person?”  The trip for two will be awarded to one of the respondents to that question!  Just send your response (as well as your mailing address, your phone number, and your Covenant Eyes username) to Deadline for submissions is September 30, 2016.

Offer valid to Covenant Eyes members who are U.S. residents only. Void in Rhode Island. See official rules for details.

  1. Will the winning remarks be made public?

    • Chris McKenna

      Hello, Richard – I’m not sure. We have chosen the winner, and I’ll wait and see how we will proceed. Thank you for your submission! After the Movie Guide event, I’m sure we’ll post about it.

      Peace, Chris

  2. Russ M.

    Where can we find out who won?

    • Chris McKenna

      Hi Russ, I’m not sure who the winner was, but the CEO already made the selection and contacted the winner.

    • Russ M.

      Thanks for the reply, Chris. Bummer, I really hoped it would be me! Oh well, if they cancel, I can be ready in a moments notice. Haha. ?

  3. Jessica Bravo

    People enjoy and appreciate a good clean family friendly movie. They bring families and friends together. We need more of that.

    • Chris McKenna

      Hello! Thank you for the response. Can you please follow these steps for submitting?

      Just send your response (as well as your mailing address, your phone number, and your Covenant Eyes username) to Deadline for submissions is September 30, 2016.

      Thanks! Chris
      Covenant Eyes

  4. Lisa Price

    I would talk to them more about the sponsors that advertise on the movies and TV commercials. There are so many inappropriate commercials on the screen. Imagine sitting with your grandchild watching a good movie and all of a sudden there are two people in bed talking about their orgasm. This lotion is so great it will blow your mind.
    It’s not a good feeling trying to get through one of those moments. Even the bra and panties commercials. This is what needs to be stopped or changed for late night TV.
    On the movies we need more family oriented movies that are good wholesome movies. The ratings need to be fixed so we’re not shocked when something comes up that should not be at the present rating.

    • Chris McKenna

      Hello! Thank you for the response. Can you please follow these steps for submitting?

      Just send your response (as well as your mailing address, your phone number, and your Covenant Eyes username) to Deadline for submissions is September 30, 2016.

      Thanks! Chris
      Covenant Eyes

  5. Gary Howse

    I would ask a question. What is the greatest personal benefit you receive by being a part of Hollywood? And, how does that benefit affect your family?

    Depending on how those questions are answered, there would other questions to follow.

    • Chris McKenna

      Hello! Thank you for the response. Can you please follow these steps for submitting?

      Just send your response (as well as your mailing address, your phone number, and your Covenant Eyes username) to Deadline for submissions is September 30, 2016.

      Thanks! Chris
      Covenant Eyes

  6. David Hart

    All true classic movies embody godly precepts of eternal value. I exhort you to raise the bar within the film industry by returning to proven standards of decency. There are many stories yet to be told of individuals both men women of high character. Our culture is starving for films which edify.

    • Chris McKenna

      Hello! Thank you for the response. Can you please follow these steps for submitting?

      Just send your response (as well as your mailing address, your phone number, and your Covenant Eyes username) to Deadline for submissions is September 30, 2016.

      Thanks! Chris
      Covenant Eyes

  7. Ashish Mishra

    Movies deeply influence the malleable minds of children as well as incite the passions which direct adults. When movies are made with responsibility and care their depictions inculcate and nurture values in children and encourage adults to become responsible dreamers and achievers who add value to relationships in their family, society and community.

  8. ugwu obichukwu

    I will simply say; stop portraying profanity and portray physical wealth(financial education which is not taught in schools),and spiritual upliftment(knowing the present day time).

    • Chris McKenna

      Hello! Thank you for the response. Can you please follow these steps for submitting?

      Just send your response (as well as your mailing address, your phone number, and your Covenant Eyes username) to Deadline for submissions is September 30, 2016.

      Thanks! Chris
      Covenant Eyes

  9. Joanne

    Hello Dan

    If I could speak to the folk running Hollywood I would say please can you take a good look at all your best quality films that have certifcations 15 or above and see if it is possible to cut out all the nonsense that leads to such certification and in doing so maybe bring these films down to a 12 or a PG so that the many folk that do not want to be watching all the sex and violence can now purchase these same films and perhaps even enjoy watching them with their children, parents and so on.

    It would be great if a small business person could actually do this, but because of all the copy right and so on I really do not think that anybody outside Hollywood would really be able to do this. The financial cost I think would be too high. But since you guys already have the rights to these films and given that you are able to alter films in the way I speak of ie, many films right now are lablled ‘Directors Cut’ and so on. But these films, it seems have more sex and violence, not less, but basicallly I am suggesting the same thing just the other way around!!!! Less violence, less sex!!!!

    Anyway, I am sure this could be done and I am sure with the correct marketing of these products, ie advertisements that explain that the inappropriate stuff has been removed to make the films more accessable to those folk that might have wanted to watch these films in the first place but would not because of the offensive content. And also the benefits of being able to watch these movies with all members of the family and so on, now!!!! I really do think you will find there is a market out there. And this really would be a gift to us folk that do want this

    Thanks in advance


    • Wesley Ashabranner

      It is hard to go up to a human being and simply tell them that, they need to stop what they have been doing for years and years, especially if that human being is not a Christian. But, I would try to influence them that movies do not need to be as violent as they are now. I would also, try and explain that these movies are impacting our youth and that what they see on the big screen, they will indeed try to act out in real life. So, lets try and change how these movies are made and instead of making risque movies, lets make more family friendly movies. Movies do not need to be grotesque for them to be good. I would also try and show that Jesus Christ can make a much bigger impact on the world, than any other thing that a movie will display.

    • Chris McKenna

      Hello! Thank you for the response. Can you please follow these steps for submitting?

      Just send your response (as well as your mailing address, your phone number, and your Covenant Eyes username) to Deadline for submissions is September 30, 2016.

      Thanks! Chris
      Covenant Eyes

    • Chris Ferrell

      I would ask “With great blessing comes great responsibility,” how do you feel your work is contributing to making society and future generations better, as a filmmaker?

    • Chris McKenna

      Hello Chris, thank you for the response. Can you please follow these steps for submitting?

      Just send your response (as well as your mailing address, your phone number, and your Covenant Eyes username) to Deadline for submissions is September 30, 2016.

      Thanks! Chris
      Covenant Eyes

    • Chris McKenna

      Hello! Thank you for the response. Can you please follow these steps for submitting?

      Just send your response (as well as your mailing address, your phone number, and your Covenant Eyes username) to Deadline for submissions is September 30, 2016.

      Thanks! Chris
      Covenant Eyes

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