Rebuild Your Marriage Marriage Bundle
Rebuild Your Marriage 1 minute read

Renewing Marital Intimacy Book Bundle (Giveaway Worth $50)

Last Updated: June 6, 2024

Often we head into marriage expecting it to be a sexual utopia or an ever-flowing fountain of intimacy, and then when the honeymoon is over, we realized that we are sinful people married to sinful people in a sinful world. Sometimes our expectations of marriage have to change. Sometimes we need an overhaul of our behavior and attitudes. Other times, just small tweaks can make enormous differences when it comes to intimacy, connectedness, and sexual pleasure.

Marriage Bundle

Starting today, we are giving away a bundle of six books geared toward couples who want to renew marital intimacy. We are grateful for New Growth Press for donating so many books and for Sheila Gregoire for adding her book to the bundle.

This bundle is valued at over $50. Enter below to win!

Books in the Bundle:

Enter the Giveaway

The more times you enter, the greater your chances of winning. The giveaway ends at 4:00PM on Friday, May 9.

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  1. Coming from a background of being molested and a 30 year addiction to porn I will say that true intimacy is a treasure and one that should and needs to be fought for. I would just like to thank Covenant Eyes for doing their part in the accountability arena and also in offering insight on so many issues revolving around marital sex.
    God Bless

  2. Frank

    I’m single, but those tools looks great to help others and and getting ready for the day those difficulties will come!

  3. Shelby

    Engaged to be married on Valentines Day of 2015 and about 2 months ago my fiancé confronted me about his addiction. Instantly the hurts were overwhelming but since then and thanks to the many resources of Covenant Eyes as well as the software we have been able to open an intimacy in communication like never before. Both of us coming from divorced homes we always feared that it would be our fate as well. But through this God has revealed his imminent purpose for our relationship for our marriage and that because of my fiancées courage to address me with something he felt so shameful of, knowing I could’ve turned and ran, he has broken down the barriers that restrict so many marriages and relationships today. So I’m thankful for where God is leading us and how he is further preparing us for our marriage. So I must say that communication has only strengthened our relationship, our interactions, our spiritual intimacy and is key to keeping that intimacy open.

  4. Karla

    Something that helps our intimacy is spending quality time together once the kids are in bed. Even a few minutes of chatting about the day reconnects us emotionally!

  5. Open communication and time dedicated to spending together.

  6. Robert

    I’m single, but I think it’s important to continue to be pure and “monogamous” even now. If I’m not faithful now with the little things, I won’t be faithful in the future.

  7. Michael Kalscheur

    After 18 years of marriage, the one thing that has helped our marital intimacy the most is an evening walk. We go outside, just the two of us (no kids are allowed to tag along), and just walk up and down the driveway (it’s a long driveway). We talk about the day, the kids and solve all the worlds’ problems. Some walks are 20 minutes and some are over an hour, but it is always our bonding time. It also doesn’t hurt to get some exercise in. Take care and God Bless.

  8. What has greatly helped your marital intimacy?
    Counselling, which included learning about our different love languages, examining our past experiences of marriage (as observed in our parents).
    Communication, which is the hardest element to maintain when you are struggling with porn stuff. The lie in porn is that it’s best kept secret which fuels a lying-mindset. It sows seeds of mistrust. This destabilises our entire marriage. But honest, open, and courageous sharing helps enormously.
    Prayer – especially developing a committed pattern of personal prayer in my own walk. Seeking to become a more godly man has fashioned a desire to be a more godly husband. I’m more loving, passionate, attentive, etc
    But also other people praying for me has helped.

    I think you also have to be patient.

  9. Tom Smyth

    Just curious if you can enter the drawing without social media? I make it a point not to have a Facebook or Twitter account nor anything else.

    • Most of the entries are social media related, except for leaving a comment here.

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