Defeat Lust & Pornography man in cage
Defeat Lust & Pornography 3 minute read

21 Lies Porn Uses to Keep You in Bondage

Last Updated: July 29, 2021

Certain people have a tell-tale sign that makes it easy to recognize when they’re lying: their lips are moving.

In other words, some folks lie continuously. If their mouth is open and producing sound, it is the sound of deception.

They might lie to get out of trouble. They might lie because they are trying to tell you what they think you want to hear–or what they think will get you to do what they want. Or they might lie simply because they don’t want to have to stop and discern the truth before speaking. Just loosening their jaw and letting words fall out seems so much easier.

Pornography is a liar. Only it doesn’t even have to move its lips. Yet, it’s always lying. 24-7. 365 days a year. 366 days on leap years.

But I have found that recognizing some of the many lies porn tries to sell me has grown in my heart a deep distaste for it–mostly because I’ve come to recognize how much porn detests me.

You may know or even care deeply for someone for whom lies have become a way of life. They don’t mean any harm–certainly not towards you. They just can’t seem to help it. Some folks have lived in deceit so long, they probably don’t even know what the truth is anymore.

This is not the case with porn. Porn has an agenda, and it includes your destruction. Total destruction. Further, when you consider its many lies head-on, I hope it helps you to resist its deceptive allure, the same way it has for me.

21 Lies Porn Uses to Keep You in Bondage

See if you recognize any of these lies porn uses.

Porn says, “Live your fantasies.” But that, of course, is impossible. That’s why they’re called fantasies.

Porn says, “Let me take your mind off all of that,” as it takes over your mind.

Porn says, “I think we’re alone now.” But by “we” it means just you.

Porn says, “It’s not that bad.” But how bad is it?

Porn says, “Everyone’s doing it,” as you hide it from everyone.

Porn says, “Let’s have some fun!” But the joke’s on you.

Porn says, “I know how you feel,” as it deadens your ability to feel.”

Porn says, “I’m here for your pleasure.” But no one’s there. Except you. Pleasuring yourself. Alone.

Porn says, “I can make your dreams come true,” but there’s nothing true about it. Except the nightmare of addiction.

Porn says, “No one will find out,” as if you aren’t someone.

Porn says, “Take me,” as it takes you.

Porn says, “Help yourself,” as you hurt yourself.

Porn says, “Give yourself a break,” as it breaks you.

Porn says, “Don’t worry,” but if it wasn’t wrong you wouldn’t have to.

Porn says, “I’m yours,” but nobody’s really there.

Porn says, “No one’s watching,” but the problem has to do with what YOU are watching.

Porn says, “I’m here whenever you need me.” But when you’re done, your need remains.

Porn says, “Satisfy your lust,” but by definition lust can never be satisfied.

Porn says, “I can give you a release,” while it holds you in the bondage of addiction.

Porn says, “I’ll make it all better,” but in the end it will leave you bitter.

Porn says, “Just live in the moment,” but afterward you’re deleting your history and then desiring your next hit.

Don’t be fooled by porn. It’s lying to you. Even if its lips aren’t moving. And, as you can see from the lies above, there’s a method to its madness. Which means you need a method to your sanity. You need a plan to defeat the lies of porn with the truth of who you are and why you’re here.

That’s why Covenant Eyes exists, not merely to help you see through the lies porn is telling you, but to enable you to live a life of freedom and integrity. Learn more about how porn rewires your brain and what you can do about it by downloading their free e-book Your Brain on Porn.

  1. Brock Coisman

    I am currently a struggling follower of Jesus, but there is an issue. A while back I started to figure out what pornography was, watched a little bit and got bored. Now for the past year or so I have been sucked up in this. I have tried to stop watching porn but then it just doesn’t work, I watch it because I can’t help it anymore. Can somebody please tell me where to start, or can someone please text me at (920) 207-7053 ?

  2. Robert C

    As a recovering addict to porn, This is excellent information to know and to take to heart. These lies often get told to us so that we might fall. Now if we study these lies, we can recognize more easily when we are tempted to look at it. Thank you so much for this information.

    • MJ

      Glad it helped, Robert C! Praying you grow to hate the liar of porn more and more. And grow deeper and deeper in love with your creator who made your sexuality for His glory and your good!

  3. Steven Brenner

    I periodically look at porn. I suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and I cannot tell where one problem ends and the other begins. It is a huge problem for me. I’m not using the OCD as an excuse to look at porn – the fact is I do have this mental health issue that is affecting me in area of sexual integrity. Do you have any comments or suggestions for me to consider – I would appreciate hearing from you.

    • Kay Bruner

      Steve, OCD is a real disease, we know for that for sure. Are you in treatment with a good psychiatrist for your OCD? Adjusting medication may be helpful if you find you’re unable to stop thoughts or behaviors that are troubling to you. If your symptoms seem to be under good control in other areas, then I suspect you’ll need to keep picking yourself back up, being honest about what’s going on, and moving forward as best you can. If you aren’t seeing a therapist, that could be another healthy addition to your treatment plan as you continue to manage the OCD. I know how difficult and troubling OCD can be. Peace to you, Kay

    • MJ

      So sorry to hear about that! We are interconnected beings where you can’t separate our spirit from soul from body from mind. I honestly have no expertise to speak to your mental health issues, but I do know that neuro science shows that the plasticity of the brain means CHANGE IS POSSIBLE!

      But even if science told us you couldn’t change because of your condition, God is SOVEREIGN over all, so I pray, “Lord, give Steven the ability, the desire and the determination to present his body as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to You, which is our spiritual worship. And that he would NOT be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of his mind, that by testing he may discern Your will, which is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:1-2)

      Final thoughts: confess quickly and completely and then receive the forgiveness that God has ALREADY paid for on your behalf. Hope this post helps there:

  4. Elizabeth Eblen

    Such good insight, or maybe we should call it Godsight! The effects of porn on the family and the person viewing it are multifaceted. Porn and all “addictions”, which in actuality is sin against the Lord, leave no room for God to do the work He’s wanting to do in our lives. God bless all those who no longer walk in the light. Look for the flicker of hope there is to bring you back to Him.

    • Wayne Shepard


    • MJ

      Thanks for your encouragement!

    • MJ

      Thanks! Glad this post made sense to you! And thanks for continuing the discusssion!

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