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  • Ron Dehaas

    Protect Your Kids

    Accountability Addresses the Problem of Porn

    The Set Free Summit just wrapped up! We’re blown away by the…

    The Set Free Summit just wrapped up! We’re blown away by the amazing content our speakers shared, and convinced more than ever that the conversation needs to continue. It’s time to address the growing problem of pornography!…

    1 minute read


  • girl looking seriously at camera

    Defeat Lust & Pornography

    7 Lies I Believed When I Still Watched Porn

    As someone who was once deeply trapped in the web of pornography,…

    As someone who was once deeply trapped in the web of pornography, I can now look back and recognize several lies I believed without question during that time. Since sharing my story with many people…

    7 minute read


  • Protect Your Kids

    How to Stay Involved in Your Child’s Life Online

    Our kids are living most of their lives on the Internet—92% of…

    Our kids are living most of their lives on the Internet—92% of teens go online daily and 24% report they are online “almost constantly.” There’s no denying our kid’s involvement in the information superhighway. Kids…

    3 minute read


  • man with hands in air holding bible

    Help Others Restore Integrity

    What Our Culture Truly Needs

    How greatly today’s world needs God’s mercy! Have you heard it said…

    How greatly today’s world needs God’s mercy! Have you heard it said that when sin is present, grace is present all the more? Scripture refers to this in Romans 5:20 when Paul states, “Where sin…

    4 minute read

    1 Comment

  • Rebuild Your Marriage

    How NOT to Tell Your Spouse About Your Porn Addiction

    If you’ve been dealing with a porn addiction for any amount of…

    If you’ve been dealing with a porn addiction for any amount of time, confessing it to your spouse can be a very difficult and overwhelming thing to do. The anticipation of their pain and their…

    2 minute read

    1 Comment

  • Help Others Restore Integrity

    How We Talk About Porn Matters

    We all know that statistics can be used to tell just about…

    We all know that statistics can be used to tell just about any story you want. One of the reasons we learn to be discerning about polls and surveys is that the answers people give…

    1 minute read


  • Protect Your Kids

    Living a Life of Integrity

    Each year Covenant Eyes awards thousands of scholarship dollars to students who demonstrate…

    Each year Covenant Eyes awards thousands of scholarship dollars to students who demonstrate integrity. This year, we’re doing it again! Check out the application information and pass it along to a student you know or apply for the scholarship…

    4 minute read


  • Protect Your Kids

    Do Kids Talk About Porn?

    Do kids talk about porn?  Statistics show that they do–but they talk…

    Do kids talk about porn?  Statistics show that they do–but they talk about it in different ways. A brand new national survey* of 860 teens and young adults (age 13-24) asked “When you and your…

    1 minute read


  • Rebuild Your Marriage

    3 Truths to Help You Heal from Marital Betrayal

    After ten years of marriage, the undeniable truth of my husband’s betrayal…

    After ten years of marriage, the undeniable truth of my husband’s betrayal came to light. My children were five, four, two and six-months old, and the reality of the betrayal hit me like being broadsided…

    5 minute read


  • Defeat Lust & Pornography

    The Week that Changed the World

    The greatest week in history is well underway. Beginning this past Sunday…

    The greatest week in history is well underway. Beginning this past Sunday with Palm Sunday, we began our journey of Holy Week. After forty-days of striving to become closer to God through an increase in…

    4 minute read