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How Do I Kick a Masturbation Addiction? (For Women)
It’s time to address a taboo topic: female masturbation addiction. For quite…
It’s time to address a taboo topic: female masturbation addiction. For quite a while now, masturbation has been a gray area of Christian sexuality. It is fairly “accepted” for men and rarely discussed among women.…
Are Husbands Supposed to Be Accountable to Their Wives?
Occasionally we get concerned messages from women who receive their husbands’ Internet…
Occasionally we get concerned messages from women who receive their husbands’ Internet Accountability Reports. Often these women come to us with more relationship questions. If I am my husband’s Accountability Partner, will it really help…
Why Is Porn Addictive?
Why do so many people have a difficult time quitting porn? At…
Why do so many people have a difficult time quitting porn? At Covenant Eyes, we hear from thousands of people—men and women, married and single, young and old, who consider themselves addicted. What causes this…
How does it make a wife feel when her husband looks at porn?
Today, as Internet access has become more common, pornography has only become…
Today, as Internet access has become more common, pornography has only become more prevalent. Over half of divorce cases today involve one party having an obsessive interest in Internet porn. More and more men withdraw…
What to Do if My Child Is Looking at Porn: 5 Critical Steps
“In the last days, perilous times will come….” (2 Timothy 3:1-5). Our…
“In the last days, perilous times will come….” (2 Timothy 3:1-5). Our children are growing up in a dangerous world, and as parents we cannot always protect them! Pornography is rampant and children are exposed…
5 Dangers of the Internet for Kids
The Internet is a vast and powerful tool aiding kids in education,…
The Internet is a vast and powerful tool aiding kids in education, social engagement, and entertainment. The size of the Internet coupled with the diversity of resources results in a highly profitable tool. However, even…
How to Stop Watching Porn: 6 Essential Steps to Quit
How do you stop watching porn? For some, pornography might seem like a harmless pastime, a…
How do you stop watching porn? For some, pornography might seem like a harmless pastime, a not-too-serious guilty pleasure, or an embarrassing habit. But maybe you’re one of the many who have realized the devastating effects that porn has…
Porn on Pinterest? The Darker Side of the Fastest-Growing Social Network
Pinterest is hot, pinned as one of the fastest-growing social networks ever.…
Pinterest is hot, pinned as one of the fastest-growing social networks ever. But the online pinboard has a dark side where people are showing off more than recipes and muscle cars. Created as a site…
5 Tips to Accountability on Smartphones
Until recently, there was an app called “Girls Around Me” that consolidated…
Until recently, there was an app called “Girls Around Me” that consolidated public data from Facebook and Foursquare and listed the females (or males) nearby. It was legal, if creepy, and it was the perfect…
Should I Tell My Wife the Truth About My Porn Addiction?
After his wife had caught him for the third time, Steve came…
After his wife had caught him for the third time, Steve came into Heart to Heart Counseling Center and admitted he was trapped in a secret world of pornography and masturbation. In his first counseling…