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4 Ways Porn Kills Great Sex in Marriage
Porn makes promises it can’t keep, especially when it comes to hot…
Porn makes promises it can’t keep, especially when it comes to hot sex in marriage. Porn won’t spice up your sex life, and it won’t make you a better lover. Science and psychology show that…
Lust After Death: Advice to a Widower Who Fantasizes About His Wife
A week or so ago I received an e-mail from a man…
A week or so ago I received an e-mail from a man whose wife passed away recently. They had been married for nearly 40 years. In his loneliness, he says, he fantasizes about times of intimacy with…
7 Tips for Wives of Sex Addicts: Looking for a Good Therapist
It can be harder than you think to find a counselor who…
It can be harder than you think to find a counselor who really gets the trauma you have suffered as a partner of a porn or sexual addict. Learn what to look for, what questions…
Why spying on your husband is a bad idea (and what to do instead)
“I used to dream that I would meet a prince But God…
“I used to dream that I would meet a prince But God Almighty, have you seen what’s happened since?” -Madame Thenardier, Les Miserables One of the things I dislike about most Disney princesses is that they…
5 Surefire Ways to Motivate Your Child to Use Pornography
Before I get into five surefire ways to motivate your child to…
Before I get into five surefire ways to motivate your child to use pornography, let me establish two important points. The first is no parent wants their child to become involved in pornography. We all…
My Husband Watches Porn: Handling a Spouse’s Porn Addiction
If your husband watches porn, you’re not alone. Statistics show that MANY…
If your husband watches porn, you’re not alone. Statistics show that MANY husbands are regularly watching pornography. Up to two-thirds of men, including married men, consume porn habitually.1 Read these comments on our blog: “I…
The Bible and the Brain: How Scripture Strengthens And Renews Neurological Pathways
The Creator of the brain gave mankind a neurological handbook—the Bible. To…
The Creator of the brain gave mankind a neurological handbook—the Bible. To live new lives we just have to embed its truths into our daily thinking. Science shows us why the brain can so easily…
Moral Revolution (Book Review)
Good purity books don’t magically write themselves. They are forged out of…
Good purity books don’t magically write themselves. They are forged out of the author’s own experience as a sexual struggler, as a minister working with sexual strugglers, or both. Moral Revolution: The Naked Truth About…
Can I Circumvent Covenant Eyes?
There are ways to circumvent Covenant Eyes accountability software, not the least…
There are ways to circumvent Covenant Eyes accountability software, not the least of which is to go down to the local library and use its computers instead of your own. Those who are bent on…
Why Your Husband Looks at Women Online (And What to Do About It)
Why would your husband look at another woman, whether online or in…
Why would your husband look at another woman, whether online or in real life? From billboards to sex flicks to websites and chat rooms, opportunities are rampant. And it’s as easy as “sexting” pictures of…