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My Husband Was a Porn Addict: How He Earned Back My Trust
Ten years ago, we were missionaries in the Solomon Islands, arriving at…
Ten years ago, we were missionaries in the Solomon Islands, arriving at the goal of our ministry: finishing a New Testament translation in the Arosi language. Ten years ago my husband Andy also had a…
Girls Hooked on Porn: Battle Notes from a Weathered Fighter
Four months ago, when my pastor approached me to film my testimony,…
Four months ago, when my pastor approached me to film my testimony, my thoughts went something like this: “Share my testimony? You mean, I would be telling the entire church that I have dealt with an…
Tough Love for Your Unrepentant, Porn-Using Husband
“There’s nothing I can do. As a Christian I’m obligated to simply…
“There’s nothing I can do. As a Christian I’m obligated to simply ‘forgive and forget,’ and just move on.” “I can’t set boundaries with him. I’m not his mom!” “I’m completely alone. And I have…
3 Gospel Principles for Battling Porn Addiction
I can vividly remember the fear that gripped my life a decade…
I can vividly remember the fear that gripped my life a decade ago when I was battling porn addiction. I remember the long nights binging on porn on my computer, tucking myself away in remote…
Internet Monitoring Software: “Spying” on Your Husband
For the woman who is suspicious that her husband may be looking…
For the woman who is suspicious that her husband may be looking at porn or flirting with other women online, Internet monitoring software can help you find out the truth. Catching your husband “red handed”…
“My Boyfriend Watches Porn!” 7 Realities to Consider
If you’ve discovered your boyfriend watches porn, you’re not alone. I got…
If you’ve discovered your boyfriend watches porn, you’re not alone. I got a letter from a young woman asking about how to deal with her boyfriend’s porn habit while dating. She gave me permission to…
Beyond the Superficial: 7 Principles from Proverbs About Friendship
It is often a problem, especially among men, that we don’t intentionally…
It is often a problem, especially among men, that we don’t intentionally seek out good friendships. Often we don’t seek out wise counsel unless we are seeking “expert” advice. It is easier to stay on…
5 Ways to Serve the Sexually Broken
When someone mentions missions, there are usually a few thoughts that come…
When someone mentions missions, there are usually a few thoughts that come to mind: Perhaps that is a shallow misrepresentation of how some people view missions. For many, though, it is a sad reality. Missions…
Porn Users Have Smaller Brains
According to a new German study published in the Journal of the…
According to a new German study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Psychiatry, there is a significant correlation between higher consumption of porn and a lower amount of grey matter in your…
Marriage After Porn: Milestones of Healing
There was a day in my marriage now known as The Confession—that moment…
There was a day in my marriage now known as The Confession—that moment when the reality of my pornography addiction came to light. For about six months, one day to the next there was plenty of fluctuation…