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Why Does My Husband Prefer Porn to Sex With Me?
More and more I meet women who are so disheartened because their…
More and more I meet women who are so disheartened because their husbands have stopped really initiating sex and have instead gone to porn for satisfaction. I hear this from women who say they miss…
Is Masturbating Bad For You?
Is masturbation healthy? While no one ever masturbated while fantasizing about reducing…
Is masturbation healthy? While no one ever masturbated while fantasizing about reducing the risks of prostate cancer, there is a common idea that masturbation is good for your health. Some have even suggested that stopping…
10 Shocking Stats About Teens and Pornography
What is pornography like for today’s teenagers? This is the first generation…
What is pornography like for today’s teenagers? This is the first generation to grow up in a world where smartphones and high-speed internet have always existed. According to recent studies, 95% of teens now have…
Talking to Your Daughter About Sex and Porn: A Stage-by-Stage Guide
When it comes to discussing sex and pornography, how soon is too…
When it comes to discussing sex and pornography, how soon is too soon? It’s a question many parents ask. They don’t want to overexpose their children or be guilty of stirring up temptation in their…
How to Warn Young Kids About Porn
A lot of parents don’t want to broach the subject of pornography…
A lot of parents don’t want to broach the subject of pornography with their kids because they don’t want to plant any ideas in their heads. They’re afraid they will rouse curiosity. But the problem…
Porn is Not Your Problem. Entitlement Is.
The greatest enemy of your marriage is not pornography. It is not…
The greatest enemy of your marriage is not pornography. It is not lust. It is not fantasy. It is entitlement. My wife and I were both virgins when we got married. My church upbringing and…
Is Porn the Same as Prostitution?
For many people, pornography is in a whole different category than prostitution.…
For many people, pornography is in a whole different category than prostitution. Men who would never think of buying time with a prostitute will watch porn all the time. Clearly, they are different enterprises, right?…
How to Keep a Porn-User for Life
When it comes to porn, don’t get distracted by the sex and…
When it comes to porn, don’t get distracted by the sex and miss what really drives the industry: money. Pornography isn’t a back-alley business of repressed artists looking to explore the pleasures of erotica. It…
Does Porn Prevent Rape? No. Here’s Why.
In recent years, economics professor Todd D. Kendall and law professor Anthony…
In recent years, economics professor Todd D. Kendall and law professor Anthony D’Amato have made the argument: potential rapists perceive pornography as a substitute for rape. They believe the rise in access to Internet porn…
License to Lust: How Porn Trains Objectification
What is a woman? Is she a collection of body parts? Is…
What is a woman? Is she a collection of body parts? Is she made of plastic? Or is she a whole person with a soul, full of all the things that make a person human:…