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3-Decade-Old Porn Experiment Reveals Why We’re All Messed Up
One of the big problems with doing research about the effect of…
One of the big problems with doing research about the effect of video pornography on people is it’s hard to find a control group. Not too long ago a researcher from the University of Montreal…
8 Characteristics of Porn Addiction
To truly understand pornography addiction, we must first define it and realize…
To truly understand pornography addiction, we must first define it and realize it is actually a type of sex addiction. Although there are many definitions for sex addiction, the one I like best was developed…
Porn and Sexual Violence: 7 Important Facts
Does watching porn correlate with sexual violence? Yes, it does. Does it…
Does watching porn correlate with sexual violence? Yes, it does. Does it cause sexual violence? That depends. Decades of research testify to the close connection between pornography and sexual violence. And though the porn defenders…
Online Directory of Sexual Purity Communities
My own recovery from pornography and sexual addiction has been a continual…
My own recovery from pornography and sexual addiction has been a continual unfolding of new lessons. There was the intense counseling for several years, the support groups, the authors I learned from, the seminars I…
8 Reasons Cosmo Is Totally Wrong About Porn
Cosmopolitan magazine recently put out an article called “8 Reasons Watching Porn…
Cosmopolitan magazine recently put out an article called “8 Reasons Watching Porn Doesn’t Make Him a Cheater.” Let’s look at their so-called reasons. Your web browser does not support iframes, which means that the video…
10 Tips for Staying Porn-Free While Traveling
From the bathroom of our suite, I heard my wife scream out.…
From the bathroom of our suite, I heard my wife scream out. She had flipped on the TV and just channeled down. The large flat-screen pulsated with hardcore pornography. Graphic sex was one click away…
The Essential Reason Porn Is Wrong
Your web browser does not support iframes, which means that the video…
Your web browser does not support iframes, which means that the video The Essential Reason Porn Is Wrong cannot play. Porn Is Wrong for Many Reasons There are many reasons why people say we should…
Why Playboy Is Saying Goodbye to Nude Photos (and why I have mixed feeling about that)
Playboy magazine’s editorial team has just announced they will no longer be…
Playboy magazine’s editorial team has just announced they will no longer be featuring nudity. I know what you’re thinking: “Um, what’s a magazine?” Playboy just had its 62nd birthday this month. On October 1, 1953,…
Should Kids See Nude Art? Should You?
If you’ve ever taken a child to an art museum, chances are…
If you’ve ever taken a child to an art museum, chances are that they’ll quickly point out that “those people don’t have any clothes on!” Nude art—whether in paintings or statues—has been part of our…
How to Love Your Spouse When They Don’t Love You Back
A marriage strategy made popular by The Five Love Languages book and…
A marriage strategy made popular by The Five Love Languages book and others like it is that if you love your spouse, they will love you back. Many a client has walked into a marriage…