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How to Set Up Parental Controls on Xbox One
Video game systems have come a long way since I was a…
Video game systems have come a long way since I was a kid. Now they are basically computers with full access to the world-wide web, which is why parents need to understand how they work.…
The Dark Side of the Brain
Every Christmas, Andrea and I have the same discussion about where to…
Every Christmas, Andrea and I have the same discussion about where to place the Star Wars ornaments on the Christmas tree. I have a decent-sized collection, and early in our marriage, I even had a…
How to Use Parental Controls on Apple’s iOS
All three of Apple’s portable devices (the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch)…
All three of Apple’s portable devices (the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch) use the same operating system called iOS. So, the steps we’re about to discuss will apply to all three devices, and every iOS…
The Importance of Accountability
Is accountability powerful enough to help change a heart? Sixteen years ago, Covenant Eyes…
Is accountability powerful enough to help change a heart? Sixteen years ago, Covenant Eyes was founded by two individuals on the simple premise that it is, and today the company has a team of over 150 people who base…
Escaping the Lies of Pornography
In his book Surfing For God: Discovering the Divine Desire Beneath Sexual…
In his book Surfing For God: Discovering the Divine Desire Beneath Sexual Struggle, author and counselor Michael John Cusick describes the crafty and effective ways in which our enemy draws us into pornography through a…
In Case of a Porn Relapse
“Great effort is required to arrest decay and restore vigor.” –Horace “Relapse”…
“Great effort is required to arrest decay and restore vigor.” –Horace “Relapse” means “deterioration after a period of improvement.” It’s an enemy to avoid in addiction recovery, and a porn relapse can make life hard…
How Broken Trust Regrows: 10 Stage Progression
How does broken trust in a marriage regrow? Growth in trust will…
How does broken trust in a marriage regrow? Growth in trust will require your spouse personally investing in change and your willingness to take relational risks. Your spouse’s growth alone will not create trust without…
Romance Novels: Porn or Not?
I remember walking through an airport terminal and seeing a giant poster…
I remember walking through an airport terminal and seeing a giant poster for the film 50 Shades of Grey. Now, this was an airport terminal where you have people of all ages (including children) and…
5 Popular Reasons Why Guys Like to Watch Porn
Many people, especially women, wonder why so many men like pornography. They…
Many people, especially women, wonder why so many men like pornography. They have difficulty understanding how certain photographs and videos can have such a hold on men’s attention. Men’s attraction to pornography is due to…
Stop the Abuse of Partners of Sex Addicts
Over the last decade, there have been a handful of professionals in…
Over the last decade, there have been a handful of professionals in the sex addiction treatment community who are trying to change the treatment of partners of sex addicts. This group is growing and has…