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Myth Busters: “I’ll stop looking at porn when I get married”
The TV show MythBusters is known for taking popular myths and showing…
The TV show MythBusters is known for taking popular myths and showing if they are true or not. More often than not, true to the show’s name, myths are “busted,” shown for the falsehoods they…
How to Be a Porn Addict’s Best Friend
A friend of yours may be a porn addict, but if he’s…
A friend of yours may be a porn addict, but if he’s still struggling, he might not be a really close friend. Everything about being an addict screams isolation and shame. Fear can be a strong…
6 Ways My Husband Helped Me Heal From Betrayal
Let’s say my husband is driving a car, and I’m in the…
Let’s say my husband is driving a car, and I’m in the passenger seat. He reaches for his phone to reply to a text message, and we get in a wreck. He’s okay, but my…
4 Myths About Our Kids and Porn
A mom recently contacted me because her 11-year-old son had been looking…
A mom recently contacted me because her 11-year-old son had been looking at porn. She didn’t know what to do and needed to talk to someone. Just the week before, Julie [name changed] was having a…
19 Possible Motives Triggering Your Porn Consumption
Often triggers and motive are treated as two distinct things, and there…
Often triggers and motive are treated as two distinct things, and there are differences. But those differences are more akin to two sides of the same coin than apples and oranges. In this post we’ll…
How to Set Up Parental Controls on an Amazon Kindle Fire HD
This post has been updated as of August 2020. The Amazon Kindle…
This post has been updated as of August 2020. The Amazon Kindle Fire HD is a popular tablet for young Internet users. Generally speaking, there aren’t many ways to filter the browser that comes on…
5 Tech Questions to Ask Every School Principal
For anyone with school-aged children, it’s back to school time! Many school…
For anyone with school-aged children, it’s back to school time! Many school buildings have spent the summer cleaning, upgrading, and in some cases, incorporating new technologies into their classrooms. As a father of four children…
True Story: How Michael Overcame Porn
Our stories matter. Each of us has a compelling story to tell. When…
Our stories matter. Each of us has a compelling story to tell. When we share, we can’t always anticipate how our story will impact the people around us, but sometimes the impact is significant. Jesus made…
My Child Has Been Exposed to Porn: 5 Critical Truths You Need to Know
Have you had the horrifying experience of discovering your child is looking…
Have you had the horrifying experience of discovering your child is looking at pornography? Are you terrified your kids will be exposed to porn? All too often I receive calls and emails from parents who just…
The Sex Buffet: How Availability Changes the Way Culture Sees Women
I was at our local grocery store the other day in the…
I was at our local grocery store the other day in the checkout aisle when I saw her. I had never seen anything this disturbing in my grocery store before. There she was, right in…