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Your Church Is Looking at Porn
The world is a blurry place. I feel like the lines between…
The world is a blurry place. I feel like the lines between right and wrong, dark and light, good and bad, used to be more obvious. Words like “Christian,” “porn,” and “addiction” would not have…
How Can I Prepare for My Husband’s Next Porn Relapse?
Once upon a time, I was blissfully happy. No, my life wasn’t…
Once upon a time, I was blissfully happy. No, my life wasn’t perfect or easy. Instead, it was real–messy, but meaningful. I lived and worked passionately within the world of pornography addiction and betrayal trauma…
Are you over-spiritualizing your porn struggle?
Have you ever thought that you may be over-spiritualizing, or possibly under-spiritualizing, your…
Have you ever thought that you may be over-spiritualizing, or possibly under-spiritualizing, your struggle with pornography? This question may come as a surprise to you, but asking yourself this question and responding accordingly may help you…
Your Wife Has Triggers Too
He picks up his phone to check e-mail, respond to a few…
He picks up his phone to check e-mail, respond to a few texts, and see who’s winning the game. It’s happened thousands of times before–but this time is different. He glances up and catches his…
5 Reasons Pastors Shouldn’t Talk About Porn (Sarcasm Alert!)
Because no one in your church is looking at porn. Sure, 79% of…
Because no one in your church is looking at porn. Sure, 79% of men ages 18 to 30 are looking at porn once a month and 63% are looking at it several times a week. It…
How Porn Destroys Families (Scholarship Essay)
Each year Covenant Eyes awards thousands of scholarship dollars to students who…
Each year Covenant Eyes awards thousands of scholarship dollars to students who demonstrate integrity. This year, we’re doing it again! Check out the application information and pass it along to a student you know or apply for the…
Women and Masturbation: Talking About It Openly (Part 2)
This is the second half of a two-part series on the topic…
This is the second half of a two-part series on the topic of women and masturbation. If you missed my first post, I highly recommend reading it before you read this one. In the first…
How to Talk to Your Husband about His Porn Use
If you’re reading this article, you may be one of the thousands…
If you’re reading this article, you may be one of the thousands of women each year who discover that their husband’s online viewing habits include pornography. Perhaps you’re a woman whose relationship with your husband…
What Happens When Lust Trains Your Soul
While teaching at a men’s retreat, a standoffish young single challenged me…
While teaching at a men’s retreat, a standoffish young single challenged me with a purity question, “There are so many things in the Bible we don’t observe any longer. I mean, we don’t circumcise, or…
Women and Masturbation: Talking About It Openly
Lust is not a guy problem–it’s a human problem. If you’re a…
Lust is not a guy problem–it’s a human problem. If you’re a woman who has struggled with any sort of lustful sin habit, including masturbation, you’re not alone. Millions of Christian women (single and married) are…