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How to Tell Your Parents You’re Struggling with Porn
So, you’ve reached the necessary place of maturity or desperation (or both)…
So, you’ve reached the necessary place of maturity or desperation (or both) to recognize your need for your parents’ partnership in your fight for freedom from pornography. I hate that you find yourself in this…
Before You Tell Your Parents about Your Porn Struggle
So you’re ready to let the cat out of the bag and…
So you’re ready to let the cat out of the bag and confess your struggle with pornography? Here are a few approaches: Political Strategy: “Ahhhh… I might have a problem with some things I’ve sort…
To the Teen Alone and Ashamed of Your Porn Use
Shame Has No Age Limit Shame affects kids, teens, and adults. I’ll…
Shame Has No Age Limit Shame affects kids, teens, and adults. I’ll never forget receiving a phone call from a distraught mother who found my website, and called to share the story of her 9-year-old…
Can a Therapeutic Separation Help Our Marriage after Betrayal?
As a Betrayal Trauma Recovery coach, I see up close the personal…
As a Betrayal Trauma Recovery coach, I see up close the personal devastation experienced by women who have been in long-term relationships with men struggling with pornography addiction and/or emotional or physical affairs. In the…
Understanding the Teenage Brain: Different, Not Broken
When I was a teenager (back when dinosaurs roamed, according to my…
When I was a teenager (back when dinosaurs roamed, according to my children), adults seemed to think teenagers were temporarily broken. One famous comedian at the time had a bit about how all teenagers have…
5 Common Myths About Setting Boundaries
Here’s an everyday occurance in my office: A woman who is betrayed,…
Here’s an everyday occurance in my office: A woman who is betrayed, wounded, confused and traumatized, seeking to feel safe and stable within her own marriage, tried to set a boundary about porn in her…
Steam Reverses Decision to Remove Pornographic Games
The online gaming store Steam, owned by Valve, distributes thousands of video…
The online gaming store Steam, owned by Valve, distributes thousands of video games for Windows, Mac, and Linux. A combination of faster distribution to consumers, a versatile suite of tools for game development, and more…
What Christian Culture Has Gotten Wrong About Sexual Purity
Let me start with something that is fundamental to addressing sexual purity:…
Let me start with something that is fundamental to addressing sexual purity: churches have to talk about porn. I went to church every Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night growing up and we never…
Understanding the Triggers of Betrayal Trauma
“Suddenly my heart is racing, I can feel the blood pumping in…
“Suddenly my heart is racing, I can feel the blood pumping in my head, my palms are sweaty and I feel like I want to run. I can literally feel my body start to tense…
“Why Doesn’t God Help Me Overcome Porn for Good?”
You’ve tried everything to deal with your porn struggle. You’ve read all…
You’ve tried everything to deal with your porn struggle. You’ve read all the right books, listened to the podcasts, maybe even talked to a counselor. You studied passages in the Bible about freedom from sin…