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Online Exploitation Is Turning Children Into Porn: A Warning for Parents
Earlier this year, we published an article about the Porn Pandemic attacking…
Earlier this year, we published an article about the Porn Pandemic attacking our children. Like the Coronavirus, porn is spreading rapidly and putting our children’s lives at risk. Sound Alarmist? The reality is even worse…
Porn Was My Sex Education: Joy Skarka’s Story
I first saw porn in fifth grade. I remember the day like…
I first saw porn in fifth grade. I remember the day like it was yesterday. My friend and I just got back from basketball camp and went up to my room to play. I had…
Trauma and Porn: The Potential Link
Have you ever wondered where addictions, like the compulsive use of pornography,…
Have you ever wondered where addictions, like the compulsive use of pornography, come from? Why do some people get addicted to things that other people can do without ever getting addicted? It’s a good question,…
Rebuilding Trust in a Relationship Wounded by Porn
Friedrich Nietzsche’s words represent the heart of every betrayed spouse: “I’m not…
Friedrich Nietzsche’s words represent the heart of every betrayed spouse: “I’m not upset that you lied to me. I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.” As painful as the discovery is, the…
Jeffrey Toobin’s “Embarrassingly Stupid Mistake”
High-profile legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin shocked the world this past week, as…
High-profile legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin shocked the world this past week, as news emerged that he had been caught masturbating on a work-related Zoom call. According to the New York Times, Toobin had started a…
6 Ways Youth Leaders Can Help Their Students Overcome Porn
That moment when one of your students tells you about their struggle…
That moment when one of your students tells you about their struggle with pornography…it is a vulnerable and agonizing moment. It’s also a holy one. Any moment of true confession is a holy one. Praise…
Relapse: Preventing a Slip from Becoming a Slide
In your attempts to maintain purity from pornography you’ve probably asked yourself,…
In your attempts to maintain purity from pornography you’ve probably asked yourself, “Is every slip a relapse? Does every bad choice mean I’m ‘starting over’? I feel trapped. How can I not expect myself to…
Five Ways to Be a Better Ally
Every morning, I wake up to a couple dozen new emails. Most…
Every morning, I wake up to a couple dozen new emails. Most of them are my daily reports on the 25 men who have asked me to be their “ally” for Covenant Eyes. I ask…
10 Phrases Every Person Overcoming Porn Needs to Hear
As an ally or friend to someone working to overcome pornography, knowing…
As an ally or friend to someone working to overcome pornography, knowing what to say to them through their inevitable ups and downs can be challenging. You may not even have any idea of what…
5 Tips to Maintain a Porn-Free Marriage
We’ve all been there. Popcorn and beverage in hand. Comfy couch, warm…
We’ve all been there. Popcorn and beverage in hand. Comfy couch, warm blanket and a remote. You settle in with the spouse for a movie. Cue intro music, when, suddenly, a hot, heavy, lust-filled scene…