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My Porn Addiction Started With a Book and a Babysitting Job (Part 1)
Lacy is a wife, mother of four sons, author, women’s recovery coach,…
Lacy is a wife, mother of four sons, author, women’s recovery coach, and advocate for female recovery efforts. She advocates for research, new treatment and recovery methods for women, and education of parents. She won’t…
The Danger of Just Watching and the Power of Being Seen
Something happened to me when I started watching porn. I didn’t notice…
Something happened to me when I started watching porn. I didn’t notice the change right away, but my wife could sense that something odd was going on. There was an unfamiliar look in my eyes,…
How the Betrayed Gets Stuck and 8 Steps to Get Moving Again
On July 19, 2019, at a Six Flags amusement park in Bowie,…
On July 19, 2019, at a Six Flags amusement park in Bowie, Maryland, roller coaster passengers spent over two hours stuck at the top of the ride. Eventually, all of the passengers were rescued unharmed.…
What the Bible Says About Pornography: 6 Important Teachings
What does the Bible say about watching pornography? I’ve searched my concordance…
What does the Bible say about watching pornography? I’ve searched my concordance and it’s nowhere to be found. But the Bible still has plenty to say about it. The word “pornography” is actually a combination…
Porn’s Escalation: I Never Thought I’d Look at That!
Has your porn use escalated? Have you viewed something taboo and desired…
Has your porn use escalated? Have you viewed something taboo and desired to see more of it? Have you found yourself searching more specifically? Have you paid for porn? Have fear and shame gripped you…
Why Surrendering to God Doesn’t Mean You’re Giving Up the Battle
Surrender is hard. Surrender is especially hard when you’re a type-A, emotional…
Surrender is hard. Surrender is especially hard when you’re a type-A, emotional caregiver who struggles with anxiety. Hello, perfect storm. I want to fix everything. I want people to be happy and healthy and free. My first…
10 Indisputable Rules to Guide Your Recovery From Porn
Thousands of books have been written on the subject of addiction and…
Thousands of books have been written on the subject of addiction and recovery. In just a few minutes on your smart device, you can find dozens of resources: therapists, seminars, 12-step groups, and conferences. In…
4 Keys to Actually Quitting Porn in the New Year
So, here we are starting a new year, and many are shouting…
So, here we are starting a new year, and many are shouting from the rooftops… “NO MORE PORN!” That’s right, you’re done. This is the year that you are going to hang up that pesky…
Flying Solo? You Can Still Quit Porn.
Want to know one of the toughest parts about quitting porn? Being…
Want to know one of the toughest parts about quitting porn? Being honest with someone else about your struggle. Many, many people get stuck on this step. They feel trapped in a cycle of shame…
9 Holiday Triggers for Porn Use (and How to Avoid Them)
Quitting porn is no easy thing to do. It requires intentional new…
Quitting porn is no easy thing to do. It requires intentional new habits and rewired thinking. And without some proactive planning, few things have the power to slow down healthy new habits like the holidays.…