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How a Dream About Sex Changed My Marriage
As a newly married couple, my husband and I were naturally active…
As a newly married couple, my husband and I were naturally active in the bedroom. So, you can imagine my surprise when four months later I found out he was struggling with masturbation. I was…
Safe Haven Sunday: Making Each Home a Safe Place
There is a deep-seated struggle in the heart of the Church, and…
There is a deep-seated struggle in the heart of the Church, and thus the heart of the family. Pornography has found its way into our homes, places of work, rectories, churches, communities, schools—you name it.…
5 Common Traits in Accountable Families
Back in 1992, the wife and two children of Ron DeHaas, our…
Back in 1992, the wife and two children of Ron DeHaas, our CEO, were stopped for an accident on a highway near Kalamazoo, MI. A trailer full of kerosene rear-ended them at highway speed, never…
4 Tips for Your Mental Health While Your Spouse Quits Porn
The fact that your spouse has committed to kicking his/her porn habit…
The fact that your spouse has committed to kicking his/her porn habit is huge. Even admitting that porn is a problem is a big deal—one can’t attempt to heal from a sickness s/he won’t acknowledge…
10 Amazing Resources for Talking to Kids About Porn
Talking to kids about porn sounds, at the very least, like an…
Talking to kids about porn sounds, at the very least, like an awkward conversation. Even parents aware of the dangers of pornography are often unsure how to approach the topic in an age-appropriate way. Finding…
9 Ways That Porn Affects Your Mental Health and Well-Being
What’s the connection between watching pornography and mental health? Does any of…
What’s the connection between watching pornography and mental health? Does any of this sound like you? If you look at porn regularly, or even occasionally, this could quite likely be a major factor in these…
5 Tips for Being an Effective and Caring Ally
Being an ally isn’t easy. We sign up to be allies because…
Being an ally isn’t easy. We sign up to be allies because we want to support our friend in their battle with porn. They trusted us enough to reach out for help, after all, and…
They Will See Porn: Mom of 6 Gets Real About Her Kids
“My boys think they’re immune to porn. I know that they aren’t.”…
“My boys think they’re immune to porn. I know that they aren’t.” Sandy has been a stay-at-home mom to six kids for 24 years, three of whom are teenage boys still living at home. Because…
I Treated Sex Like a Vending Machine: Pastor Noah’s Story (Part 2)
Continued from Part 1 of Noah’s story… When I got married on…
Continued from Part 1 of Noah’s story… When I got married on June 19, 2004, I thought my sexual purity problems were in the rearview mirror for good. I had been porn-free for over two…
What’s the big deal about watching porn? (Teen Edition)
What’s the big deal about watching porn? If you’re a teenager, you…
What’s the big deal about watching porn? If you’re a teenager, you might have asked that question or others like it. Scrolling through this blog, you’ll find a lot of stories from people whose lives…