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Building a Bridge With a Son Through Accountability
One of the key aspects of accountability is that it opens doors…
One of the key aspects of accountability is that it opens doors for communication. It “breaks the ice,” so to speak. It does this even for people who never get a highly rated site, simply…
In the African American Community “We’ve had a Problem” too
In the real life and death drama of Apollo 13, after hearing…
In the real life and death drama of Apollo 13, after hearing an explosion in their space capsule 200,000 miles away from earth, crewmen James A. Lovell, Jr. and John L. Swigert recited one of…
Podcast: A Husband Confesses His Porn Addiction
We often get comments from wives who are struggling with their husbands’…
We often get comments from wives who are struggling with their husbands’ use of porn. If you are interested in hearing from a couple that has dealt with this in the past, please listen to…
Fighting Lust with Lust
As a pastor I have the opportunity to talk with many men…
As a pastor I have the opportunity to talk with many men about the dangers and the destructiveness of sexual sin. There are doubtless myriads of temptations and options available to pursue satisfaction of these…
Great Preaching on Sex
At the 2004 Desiring God National Conference, the theme was “Sex and…
At the 2004 Desiring God National Conference, the theme was “Sex and the Supremacy of Christ.” I recently posted a review of a book of the same title which was based on the messages given…
Stranger Danger: how many teens are talking to strangers online?
Just how many teens are talking with strangers online, and how many…
Just how many teens are talking with strangers online, and how many are meeting up with those strangers? In 2006, Cox Communications partnered with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children and TV host…
Pornography in the Military
A recent bill in Congress would prohibit the sale of pornography on…
A recent bill in Congress would prohibit the sale of pornography on military bases. The “Military Honor and Decency Act” would close a loophole in current law that allows the sale or rental of sexually…
A Message for Those Struggling with Pornography (part 4)
“Sex has become the religion of the most civilized portions of the…
“Sex has become the religion of the most civilized portions of the earth. The orgasm has replaced the Cross as the focus of longing and the image of fulfillment.” – Malcolm Muggeridge A while…
Breaking Pornography Addiction
I highly recommend David Powlison’s article, “Breaking Pornography Addiction” (part 1) and…
I highly recommend David Powlison’s article, “Breaking Pornography Addiction” (part 1) and (part 2). Powlison speaks with a great authority on this issue. He is the editor of the Journal of Biblical Counseling, a faculty…
Two Approaches to Internet Safety in Schools
When it comes to the subject of teens and children using chat…
When it comes to the subject of teens and children using chat rooms and social networking sites (such as MySpace, Facebook, Twitter and Bebo), there are two prevailing attitudes or philosophies about safety. One school of…