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    The Sin of Sodom

    by Noel Bouché Evangelical Christians are increasingly engaged in—and being recognized for—effective…

    by Noel Bouché Evangelical Christians are increasingly engaged in—and being recognized for—effective justice work. As New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof pointed out in a February 2010 article (“Learning from the Sin of Sodom”), groups…

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    pureJUSTICE Intern Interviews

    The pureJUSTICE intern talks in these videos about what they learned over…

    The pureJUSTICE intern talks in these videos about what they learned over the course of eight weeks about the importance of personal purity in the fight against sex slavery. Jessica Jones is studying political science…

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  • Help Others Restore Integrity

    250,000 American Kids Victims of Sex Trafficking Every Year

    Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 81 [display_podcast] Every year, over a quarter…

    Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 81 [display_podcast] Every year, over a quarter of a million American kids fall victim to commercial sexual exploitation. This outnumbers international kids in the U.S. 11 to 1. Today we…

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  • Help Others Restore Integrity

    The Weight of Smut – Is America “Sexually Obese”?

    by Mary Eberstadt “America the Obese” in the May issue of The…

    by Mary Eberstadt “America the Obese” in the May issue of The Atlantic reminds us of the weight-gain epidemic in the United States and the rest of the West. It is indeed widespread, deleterious, and…

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  • Help Others Restore Integrity

    Is Porn Production a Form of Sex Trafficking?

    by William Payne The title of this post is a bit controversial.…

    by William Payne The title of this post is a bit controversial. There are many who would react to it with a strong “no.” Porn, they claim, is just an expression of free speech. It…

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  • Help Others Restore Integrity

    Craigslist and Buying Sex in the Digital Age

    Craigslist, which some have referred to as “the world’s biggest brothel,” is…

    Craigslist, which some have referred to as “the world’s biggest brothel,” is a great example of how commercial sex exploitation is facilitated by digital and social media. In 2009, Craigslist—due to public pressure—took the half-hearted…

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  • Help Others Restore Integrity

    Trafficking in Persons Report 2010

    The State Department’s annual Trafficking in Persons (“TIP”) Report is a good…

    The State Department’s annual Trafficking in Persons (“TIP”) Report is a good place to start if you’d like to familiarize yourself with human trafficking generally and sex trafficking in particular. Sex trafficking is labeled as…

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  • Help Others Restore Integrity

    Pure Justice: Connecting Pornography to Sex Trafficking

    Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 80 [display_podcast] “A true pursuit of justice…

    Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 80 [display_podcast] “A true pursuit of justice necessarily starts with a pursuit of personal purity” – Noel Bouché Today I am interviewing Noel Bouché, Vice President of pureHOPE (formerly known…

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  • Help Others Restore Integrity

    Exodus Cry – Praying to End Sex Slavery

    In “The Mission Briefing,” Exodus Cry founder Benji Nolot provides a passionate…

    In “The Mission Briefing,” Exodus Cry founder Benji Nolot provides a passionate overview of the atrocity of sex trafficking, noting the sexual attitudes and content—namely, porn—that fuel the trade. He discusses the causes of this…

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    JUSTICE WEEK on Breaking Free

    Sex sells—it’s not merely a marketing slogan. Sex not only helps advertisers…

    Sex sells—it’s not merely a marketing slogan. Sex not only helps advertisers sell a product—in today’s market sex is a product. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, sex trafficking is a…

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