Defeat Lust & Pornography A hiker looking out over the horizon.
Defeat Lust & Pornography 8 minute read

How to Overcome the Flesh

Last Updated: February 27, 2023

Most people who are parents, or have had parents, can relate to a scenario like this:

A child is watching, doing or listening to something objectionable, and the parents either catch them or realize the thing or activity isn’t wholesome. What happens? The typical response is usually a strong “Don’t do that! Don’t watch that! Don’t listen to that!” followed with an appropriate punishment.

What’s the problem with this parenting response? Proverbs tells us to train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they won’t depart from it (Prov. 22:6). Reactionary parenting, if it doesn’t go any deeper, doesn’t train the child in the way they should go, it trains them in the way they shouldn’t go.

The child doesn’t learn what to do–they just learn that something is bad. And if they were enjoying it, they’ve most likely just created a shame-based identity formation that says, “I like a bad thing; therefore I’m bad.” In the end, the confusion and shame-based identities actually drive them toward bad behavior, rather than from it.

Christians are in a similar conundrum. We all know lust and pornography are bad. We all know what we should do, but how do we get there? How do we actually find freedom?

It is like this: you are lost, and you pull over to ask a local resident for directions, “Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get where I’m going?”

Their terse reply is a matter-of-fact, “Well you sure can’t get there going this way.” And before you utter another word, they scoff and turn away.

“Great, I already knew I was going the wrong way. Now what?”

You spot another local, “Please, I know I’m going the wrong way, but can you tell me how to get where I’m going?”

“Yep. You sure are mixed up. You need to be heading north, and you are going south,” they chuckle and amble on their way.

What happens? Maybe you take a wise course correction and at least start driving in roughly the right direction. But most likely this type of scenario would create confusion and frustration that leave you feeling more lost.

It’s Not About the Nots

I fear we’ve bred a generation of believers whose souls are fixated in the way they shouldn’t go. My personal experience and the experience I have ministering to men is that most Christians are inherently focused on the “nots and don’ts.” We are acutely aware of what we shouldn’t be doing, what we shouldn’t be thinking, how we don’t measure up, what we don’t have, how we fall short, what we haven’t done, what we aren’t doing, etc.

But God isn’t interested in what you’re not. He’s interested in who you are. He’s not training you how to not look at porn but how to walk as a son. Walking like a son will show you how to not look at porn but the converse isn’t true–simply not looking at porn can never teach you who you are in Christ and how to walk with Him.

Nevertheless, this dilemma plays out with Christian men trying to navigate the sea of lust that’s out there. Paul writes in Colossians 2:20-23,

Therefore, if you died with Christ from the basic principles of the world, why, as though living in the world, do you subject yourselves to regulations ‘Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle,’ which all concern things which perish with the using-according to the commandments and doctrines of men? These things indeed have an appearance of wisdom in self-imposed religion, false humility, and neglect of the body, but are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh.

Did you get that? The Bible itself says do’s and don’ts can’t help us stop sinning.

When tempted, “Don’t do that! Don’t think that! Don’t watch that! Don’t like that!” All those sound godly, don’t they? What we’ve been taught as “spiritual advice,” the Bible actually calls carnal thinking. Don’t get me wrong, lust is sin; we just can’t beat it the way we’ve been taught. You see, don’ts have no power against the indulgence of the flesh. They tell you what not to do, but don’t tell you what to do or how to think. They tell you not to think like a devil, but don’t teach you how to think like God and see life from His perspective.

How to Overcome the Flesh

The Bible makes it crystal clear how we overcome the flesh. It isn’t with ten steps. It isn’t by trying really hard. It isn’t even by getting super spiritual–but rather by walking in the Spirit.

Walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. –Gal. 5:17

By the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the flesh. –Rom. 8:13

Basically the entire New Testament is full of this truth. Different writers refer to it in different terms: walking in the Spirit, putting on Christ, walking in the new man, walking in the light, etc. And without fail, these concepts are contrasted with their counterpart: walking in the flesh, being carnally minded, walking in the old man, walking in darkness. Without fail, these passages shout from the rooftops: this is how we stop sinning!

The devil has taken this simple answer and made it more complicated and overly-mystical than it needs to be. Most of the instruction out there on walking in the Spirit is either too vague, too weird, or too impractical to do us any real good. Walking in the Spirit isn’t weird or hocus pocus. It is, however, fundamentally different from the do’s and don’ts that most of us have been trained by.

Because we don’t know how to walk in the Spirit and be spiritually minded, the problem is we only know what we know. All our life we’ve been carnally minded, so when we come up against a temptation, we relate to it like we’ve always related. If we try to fight it, we are fighting in a carnally minded way. Walking in the Spirit isn’t for the super spiritual elite who have arrived someplace you haven’t. You have the same Holy Spirit as anyone–and He’s waiting to show you how to think His thoughts and then walk with you through your times of testing.

Walking in the Spirit

All of us have been trained by the world from the minute we drew our first breath. We are born into sin and the carnal mind has created “ruts” or tracks that our mind runs on. When we are exposed to a temptation, our carnal mind knows how we’ve responded to that in the past. We’ve been conformed to the image of the world. So when we come up against temptation again, we are inclined to go down that path again and again, unless, through the Spirit, we are given a new way to think and walk altogether.

If there’s a “Step 1”  to walking in the Spirit, it is this:

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. –Rom. 12:2

The Bible says we have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16), and we have been made one with Him (John 17:22). This means exactly what you’d think: we have the right and ability to think the same way Jesus thinks about things. We can start to view people and temptations the same way Jesus would view them if He were walking in our bodies (because He is!).

Renewing your mind is an activity you can initiate at any time with the Holy Spirit who is living in you. Simply take some time to sit with Him and ask Him to give you Jesus’ thoughts about the thing or person tempting you.

Walking in the Spirit doesn’t start when you face temptation. If you wait until then, it is too late. Walking in the Spirit starts now. Even as you read this, sit and ask God to give you new ways of thinking, new ways of seeing, new ways of feeling and watch as God puts His thoughts in you. He gives you new perspectives. He fills you with His love. Then when you are later confronted with temptation, you already know how you are going to think, feel and walk. You’ll have options you never had before. When you face temptation again, you’ll have a different track for your mind to run on.

Our Minds Can Change

One time, while God was teaching me this, I struggled with a temptation to look at porn. I complained, “But God, I really like pornography.”

Then a thought came into my mind that I know was the Holy Spirit, “What if you don’t?” I had never even contemplated the idea that maybe I really didn’t like pornography. It was as if the spell was broken as I allowed God to minister this truth to my heart that I really didn’t like it. It was as if new pathways, new ways of thinking were being formed in my mind.

Later I was thinking about a person who was a typical trigger, something that sets off the chain reaction in your soul that leads to a fall, for lust. Similarly I allowed God to reshape my thinking about that person. The things that used to trigger lust in me, a scantily clad woman for example, now elicit a totally different response in my heart. Now I see a person who Christ died for, a person who doesn’t know their created value, and doesn’t know they are worth the blood of Christ.

This way of thinking has re-trained my soul to be moved in love rather than inflamed in lust. The same trigger has become a catalyst for the Holy Spirit to be released in me rather than for lust to be resurrected in me. Yes, there is still a temptation to walk in the flesh, but now I’ve got options I never had before. I can walk in the Spirit because the Spirit has shown me how.

You see, if we have the mind of Christ and the Holy Spirit in us, then we have the option to be spiritually minded and to think like Jesus does. God can renew your mind and rewrite what you do and how you think when your triggers go off.

You see, God trains you in the way you should go–rather than you simply knowing the way you shouldn’t go. When you are triggered, you’ve been going in the wrong direction because you didn’t have a clear understanding of any other direction to go in. What you need to know is the way you should go. And you already have the tools in God to get the proper directions.

If you’d like more information about any of the truths presented in this article, check out The Mighty Man Manual by Jon Snyder. It’s been a tool to help thousands of men and women find freedom from lust and learn to live in the fullness of all God has for them.

  1. Richard

    Hi Kay,

    Thank you for your post but I find it neither helpful or true.

    Masturbation is not normal. It is self-sex plain and simple and always hurts someone.
    As a Christian, I believe that the Bible is God’s revealed word and is truthful and authoritative for our lives, and thus, when it says that sex is to be reserved for and enjoyed within the marriage context, a relationship between a faithful man and woman, then that means anything outside of that is sinful and will eventually cause harm. From a Biblical perspective there is simply no way to justify masturbation. If you are mature enough to enjoy the gift of sex then get married and give pleasure to your spouse selflessly.

    In terms of shame, this is a byproduct of all sin and CE is right to raise it because it is the primary tool that Satan uses to keep Christians silent. That being said, any shame that arises from a Christian performing the act of masturbation comes from within because the battle is still being waged in the flesh and not by the Spirit (Gal.5). Romans 8:5 paints the perfect picture for us – we can either choose to set our minds on the flesh and what it desires because it feels good, or we can set our minds on the Spirit and what it desires because it is Holy. Flesh leads to death. Spirit leads to life.

    The issue within Christian circles is the same as it’s been for 2,000 years: anytime we deviate from God’s Word we cease to walk in its power and apply its timeless truths to our lives. We make up our own rules and act as our own kings and queens, ultimately answering to no one.

    The Bible is true, authoritative and capable of making you wise to salvation (2 Tim.3:15). Please read it and read it carefully. Boundaries are just as necessary in our lives as they are around a Crocodile pen at a zoo. My prayer is that all of us can become more wise and recognize the true value of the perimeters in place.

    As someone who used to masturbate multiple times a day for 15 years, I can tell you first-hand how my actions directly hurt the ones around me and you wouldn’t catch me jumping back into that pit no matter what your argument because sin is no longer my master, Jesus is! (Rom 6:1-14)

    May God bless you.

    • Sonya

      I would agree!! My husband left me and I believe he was masturbating and self serving and it ruined our marriage,He no longer needed me.We lost the closeness we once had, He did this out of anger towards me,In order to punish me he would withhold sex, fell into old habits for self satisfaction,eventually he grew to hate me and now he’s so angry and ashamed he can’t even talk to me or text me, He shame me for asking him for sex and now I’m trying to stay pure and refuse to feel sexual I love my husband and want my life back, he said I am to sexual and look like a playmate and it turns him off??!!

    • Kay Bruner

      Hi Sonya,

      It’s really amazing how twisted the mental defense mechanisms can become in cases like your husband’s! I’m sure you know this, but let me say it for the record: this is your husband’s problem, and his problem to solve. This is not something you are responsible for. Your sexuality is not the problem. His choices are the problem.

      Whatever he chooses, you can choose to be healthy and whole! Here, here, and here are some good articles on boundaries to help you.

      Peace to you,

  2. david

    I’m David 26 of age. I’m highly inspired by your work as inspired by the holy spirit. I pray for God’s wisdom and sufficient grace upon u and all of us. PLEASE I need ur prayers. It’s being closely 8 yrs now that I have been struggling with the yoke of porn and masturbation. Pls I need ur earnest prayer

    • Kay Bruner

      Masturbation is normal! It feels good, and it’s a part of your whole self, which includes your sexuality. It’s private, but it’s not shameful. It shouldn’t take over your life, but it’s fine as a part of your healthy physical self.
      Problems arise with masturbation, as with many other good things, when we use it as an unhealthy coping mechanism when we are overly stressed, upset, etc. We can all be vulnerable to using good things–food, wine, exercise, Netflix–to cope in unhealthy ways. Instead of feeling our feelings and processing through them, we substitute a behavior that feels good in the moment but didn’t actually solve the problem and may in fact produce more problems.
      Unfortunately, there is huge shame around sexuality in Christian circles, and you are so wise to recognize that the shame itself is part of the problem. In fact, at this point I suspect that your formula might start with shame itself, and as you feel distressed over shame from masturbation, you then masturbate to feel better in the moment.
      You might like this short animation I made recently, Interruping Shame Cycles.
      Peace to you, Kay

  3. Emmanuel Emereoha

    Hi I am 29years old now from Nigeria. Ever since I was 16years porn and masturbation was my hubby. It ate me up,i knew the effects and all. I was just too deep into it that I couldn’t get out. My people here will say ” The sweetest thing are the things that will kill you faster” and it is the truth. 2years back I went to my church convention “The Redeemed Christian Church Of God RCCG,2015 I gave my life to God, I became devoted and God was working in my life as I was working for him, he turned things around for me.let me just share a glance of it, I was in university and was supposed to graduate 2011 but I was living in the world.we usually had parties before our last exam of graduation,so I drank and was excessive drunk, and I wasn’t like that before,i just wanted to mingle cuz I was I very popular kid in my school. That night my friends rushed me to the table to sleep because of the way I was acting,so the next morning I never woke up they tried all they could I didn’t wake up,neither did they know I was already in coma, so they quickly called the school hospital so I was take to the hospital and I was there for about a month,i came out of coma with loss of memory,i missed my final exams, and so many other things that happened.2years later after I was cleared to come back, the university said I’ve exhausted my time at the University,cus I was to study civil engineering but I transferred to computer science from 2006 I entered university suppose to graduate 2011+two extra years of treatment and recovering. I came back I wrote letters and letters and letters for the University to reinstate me, but all to no avail,till 2015 I went to the convention,God heard my cries and fasting,he answered me in a miraculous way and my letter was accepted and approved and I’m a graduate today. Thank you Jesus cuz you never changed. But I was still battling with porn and masturbation,i didn’t masturbate from that 2015 not until this year 2017 I let the devil have his way back in my life. But this night I’ve read this,tears fell from my eyes knowing that God have shown me the right message on how to overcome the flesh and lust. I know it’s a journey and I’m ready and waiting to fight it with the help of the Holy Spirit because Jesus has won the fight for us already.

  4. Ben

    Hello brothers. I am a young man of 22 and I have been able to successfully overcome my high school addiction to pornography for a whole year through faith an discipline. I did not go to any specific adult or leader to help guide me on my path, but I believe God used this site as a way to encourage me. I believe it is a very personal journey, and it must come from within.

  5. Tyler Ashline

    Thank you so much for posting this

  6. Leonard Paul

    I am Leonard Paul and I have been battling with the lust of masturbation for six years now. I really need help

    • Chris McKenna

      Hello, Leonard – you’re on the right path by opening up about it, but it will be tough work. It’s more than just the urges – you’ve created behavioral patterns and habits that have created ruts in your brain. Are you also watching pornography? You will not be able to break free on your own. Please read this for encouragement:

  7. Steven Puletiu

    This was helpful.thank u Jesus.
    Bro I have been a Christian for 4yrs now.and now and then,I get attack.watching pornography.I’m really bless.God bless u bro.
    I know some people say…it’s not working.that just mean they like it,or like sin or don’t want to renew they mind or don’t know who they are in Jesus Christ.
    I thank Lord Jesus for the body.
    Love u,but Jesus loves you more ?

    • Zachary

      This all sounds familiar, i would love to speak to someone in regards to this to go more in detail about my struggle with this topic. And more. Hope to hear from someone soon…zach

  8. Hi I’m Tommy Sheehan. Im 37 I’m still battling lust is there any 8i can stop there is no way I will over come it. God never took it away from me. You know this thing is a fraud.

    • Jim

      God is either everything or he’s nothing in Faith and Hope I can only trust that HE IS EVERYTHING……. Hopelessness is a lie straight out of the pit of hell I’m not falling into it

    • Dude I get that you think u may never overcome this and that it all seems hopeless but trust me it’s possible. I overcame it and so can you. Hopelessness is a lie from the devil who’s trying to discourage you don’t give in.I’m about 3 years late in this but I pray you get a chance to read this. God be with you

  9. ken

    your articles are hard to read because of all the facebook, twitter etc. clutter on the left side

  10. Ronda Sheldon

    This is a fabulous article! Thank you for not only reminding me of the power of the Holy Spirit that lives in me, but also for the empowerment as a wife, parent & disciple of Christ to impart this truth to my husband, my children & those in my sphere of influence. It isn’t just about lust & pornography. It’s about every temptation we have living in this fallen world. I have the privilege of training my children (myself & husband too) in the way we should all go, so that we will not depart from it. Thank you, Jon, and Covenant Eyes for giving me tools to help in this great task.

    • Aldrin B. Pabular

      Hey? I have a problem. If I ejaculate, I feel guilty. Be cause when I am doing if I always think that for cleansing. But when I am actually doing, my mind thinks bad scenes like having sex with the girl I like.

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