Protect Your Kids airplane
Protect Your Kids 5 minute read

My Kid Was Stuck Watching Porn on a Plane

Last Updated: October 27, 2020

Shocked. Horrified. Disgusted. Sickened. That’s only a handful of the emotions that overtook me when I found out that my 14-year-old son was a captive audience to a two-and-a-half-hour public display of hardcore heterosexual and homosexual obscenity—and no one said a word. I dare not even repeat here the vile images that are now imprinted on his brain.

Just a few generations ago the common sense standard of the general public was (at least) to shield the most vulnerable among us from anything that may pose a threat to a child physically, mentally, or emotionally. It was common for even perfect strangers to hold high public standards in the defense of children.

As much as I’d like to believe that the majority of the general public still holds this view, it’s rapidly becoming clearer that standard decency and common sense in regards to children are neither common—nor do they make sense.

Sky High Porn

My son was traveling on a Delta flight from Minneapolis to New York City with a team of adults to serve the victims of Hurricane Sandy. Originally, he was seated with another team member, but when their flight got rerouted, he was sandwiched between two middle-aged men three rows from the back of the plane.

Just after takeoff, the man seated to his left pulled out his iPad and proceeded to watch hardcore pornography. My son said he tried not to look—but how could he not see it? It was practically in his lap, especially since the man was so large that he took up nearly half my son’s seat as well.

He wanted to complain, but was too intimidated by the man to say anything. Feeling trapped, he chose to bite his tongue, and no matter how hard he tried to avert his eyes, he was bombarded by “flesh” in his peripheral vision.

Since the man was continually being served alcohol throughout the entire flight, there were ample opportunities for the flight attendant (or even a nearby passenger) to take notice. However, no one said a word. The man exposed my son to an entire pornographic movie and several short videos throughout the two-and-a-half-hour flight.

Needless to say, I was completely horrified.

Is airplane porn now acceptable?

Has porn become so “normal” that there’s no longer any inhibition about viewing it in public places?

What about children? Why wasn’t there one person who cared enough for a child to speak on his behalf?

Related: 6 Ways to Raise a Sex Addict

At the very least, this man was insensitive, compulsive, and selfish. On the other hand, maybe he knew exactly what he was doing.

It didn’t take long for frustration to set in after hearing, “Really, I’ve never heard of that before” over and over again from Delta representatives. Was this really a brand new thing? Delta reps seemed to think so and were clearly not trained in handling the situation. The best they could come up with was to offer us a $75 Visa card, which we declined.

After speaking to several reps, we were assured that Delta has a “zero-tolerance policy” for such things and that they “do not stand for that at all.”

Parents, Take Action

Now, I understand many might say the blame lies squarely with my son for not speaking up, or the blame lies with me allowing him to fly on an airplane without his family. Should my son have said something—maybe sought out another team member he knew on the plane who could have helped him think about what to do? Sure. My son was paralyzed with fear and confusion, and perhaps he shouldn’t have been.

But let’s place credit where credit is due: should we expect kids to always know how to cry for help amidst a scary, profane situation, or should we hope adult men would have the decency to leave their hardcore porn at home?

Was this an isolated incident, or is airplane porn more common than we think? When flight attendants are themselves concerned about public displays of porn in-flight, when men are arrested for watching child porn at 60,000-feet, when the flight crew tells concerned fliers to change seats rather than telling porn-viewers to stop watching, and when the FBI have to investigate men masturbating in full view of other passengers, it seems clear to me this isn’t a fluke.

A common response from flight crew in a lot of these stories is, “I can’t do anything about it.”

Really? Why not? So, is it acceptable to watch pornography in full view of the general public?

Not too long ago this was a no-brainer, but today, this is a question society is asking. In libraries, gyms, coffee shops, cafes, and even driving down the road, porn is becoming an acceptable norm in the public square. There’s no “right” to smoke in many public spaces, because someone may be exposed to toxic physical poisons against their will. Yet the “right” to infect others (even children) with mental emotional, and spiritual poisons is becoming more tolerable.

Parents, we must “foresee the danger ahead and take precaution” as Solomon says. Abuse, child sex-trafficking, violence, rape, molestation, neglect, STDs, addiction, gender confusion, fatherlessness, divorce—every day millions of children are being sacrificed on the altar of sexual idolatry in one way or another. This time, it was my son’s heart, mind, and emotions that were sacrificed, and it grieves me that I was ignorant to the danger. I hadn’t prepared my child for such a scenario, but you can.

Related: My Child Has Been Exposed to Porn–5 Critical Truths You Need to Know

“Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).

Sexual vulgarity is crouching at nearly every corner of our society. As long as it is up to you, don’t let your child be the prey.

It may still be criminal to knowingly expose a child to pornography, but that’s not where we’re headed as a society. Delta may have a “zero-tolerance policy” for in-flight porn now, but that isn’t the case for all airlines. Parents beware: The acceptance of public porn as the “new normal” isn’t that far away. What is merely tolerated today will be lauded tomorrow.

1. Parents, teach your kids early about the sacredness of their bodies and the goodness of sex. Kids need to know our over-sexualized culture is not bad because sex is bad, but because sex is good. The problem with porn in any form, from the soft-core magazine covers in the checkout isle to the hardcore movies online, is not that is shows us too much sex but because it doesn’t show us enough—real intimacy cannot be ripped from its relational context and put on the screen or in a magazine.

2. Teach your sons and daughters how to react to perverse scenarios. It doesn’t have to be hardcore porn on a plane. It could be in the locker room at school. It could be crude jokes in the lunchroom or the school bus. It could be a sext kids are passing around from phone to phone. Kids need to be taught how to respond to such situations and we need to teach them.

3. Know how to react when you see public obscenity. Whether its on an airplane, a local library, or a school—if you see someone viewing pornography, they are likely breaking federal public obscenity laws. Ask the person viewing to put the pornography away. If this fails, inform someone else immediately—the flight attendant, librarian, teacher, etc.—and if they tell you nothing can be done, inform them that this is not a matter of preference; it is a matter of public obscenity crimes.

  1. Sara

    I think the airline should you provide the name and mailing address of the man in that seat, certainly they have records, and that you should press charges for every violation possible, like public obscenity, child protection, etc. This is ridiculous. How horrifying. We don’t yet live in Japan where pornography movies are played in public transportation.But if we aren’t careful, we may be.

  2. Jennifer

    I am so sorry this happened. Praying that God would work in his mind and that He would take preeminence in your son’s thoughts. The fact that this cannot be unseen is so sad.
    Also, I cannot believe the people who would comment negatively about you or your son. This is an issue that shows the selfishness and complete lack of common sense this addiction causes. Confronting this head on is the right approach. Thank you for standing for truth and praying for you and your family as you walk in truth among the lies that are lurking everywhere we look. May He take those thoughts captive and throw them as far as the east is from the west!

  3. Andrew

    I have struggled with pornography for most of my life. Through a solid 12 step program, CE, counseling and mentoring I have been able to break the chains that tore down my soul and kept me captive for 35+ years. Looking back, if I was this 14 year old boy, it would have only added to my already shamed world and given me more material to use, rather than help me break free. Why is it ok to allow the minority to rule what is should be “good or not good” in life? 1000’s of flights take off each day and I am sure very little porn is viewed like this (given the overall # of flights), and yet we have to make accommodations for one person’s poor choices? Why is it remotely ok for one human to make the choice to harm another? I needed help at 14. I needed an adult to come beside me and help me see the impact of my choices. I needed another to help me see that I was loved and searching in the wrong place to feel good, worthy, loved and accepted. Unfortunately that did not happen. A man like this, albeit probably unknowingly, helps chain more souls to pornography. Make the choice, we all have that ability. God wants us to love ourselves, love one another and love Him. Situations like this only raise the walls higher between ourselves, God and those around us. I hope your son can talk openly about it. I couldn’t have at 14. I kept that part of my life locked away for many years. The damage is done and I am rebuilding, slowly, day by day supported by God’s wonderful Grace.

  4. Michelle

    I would like to know more about Federal Obscenity laws that were mentioned in the article. I am a parent who is concerned about protecting my own kids. I have seen people with obscene tattoos at our local rec. center pool. I have tried my best to shield my kids from seeing. Also, saw someone walking by with a t-shirt with what I guess is anime porn on the front. I was very thankful my kids weren’t with me at the time. I’ve wondered if there were laws or regulations against these kinds of things. It seems to be getting more common. I would like more resources. Thank you and thank you for what you are doing through Covenant Eyes.

  5. Greg Janowski

    Dear Micah

    I’m sorry your son sat next to the devil.

    Society has made it impossible for your son, or anyone other than an ostrich, to live life free from pornography. Long before boarding that airplane, your son, like all of us, was –and probably will continue to be- bombarded by snippets of porn every single day. Hopefully, we each learn to cope: turn the page, turn the channel, walk away, engage in a safe activity, call a friend, etc. If lucky we minimize our exposure. But, the more we are confronted, the more our brain absorbs, the greater our challenge and eventually, the weaker our resolve.

    We all must deal with porn’s visual onslaught. If the person in question happens to be a healthy adolescent male with testosterone abubbling, and an age-appropriate insatiable interest in all things female, watch out! Circumstances conspired against your son. There is plenty opportunity for blame: certainly the most culpable being the sleezy sicko (aka: Mr. XXX) seated beside your son, Delta Airlines, the cabin flight attendants, nearby passengers, your son’s youth group leaders, etc.

    Rather than assign blame, I’d prefer to make sure you know exactly what you are dealing with.

    Mr. XXX is a PERVERT
    Per Webster’s Dictionary: Pervert… morally corrupt, deviating greatly from what is considered right and correct. One who watches porn in public is a pervert?
    Mr. XXX is a PEDOPHILE
    Per Webster’s Dictionary: Pedophile……one having a sexual interest in children. Would Mr. XXX have watched his porn sitting next to another adult? I think not! Mr. XXX was keenly interested in your son’s reaction.
    Mr. XXX is a PREDATOR
    Per Webster’s Dictionary: Predator…one addicted to victimizing or destroying others for personal gain. By exposing your son to porn Mr. XXX may have been exhibiting a classic trait of the SEXUAL PREDATOR. Mr. XXX was likely trolling for his next victim.

    If an exhibitionist, Mr. XXX may have been satisfied just watching your son’s confusion. Or perhaps, if a predator, Mr. XXX may have been laying groundwork for some anticipated future sexual abuse.

    Micah, I suspect you just want this whole mess to end. That would, however be shortsighted. I would urge you to pursue the matter with the police. Mr. XXX emotionally raped your son. That’s not necessarily a criminal act (there was no physical damage) but surely it was an emotional assault. Your son has been traumatized and the effects may linger for years. Unfortunately, I speak from personal experience. Filing a police report will allow Delta to now do the right thing and release the seating manifest to the police. Mr. XXX can be identified. Quite likely, this was not Mr.XXX’s first act of public perversion. The weight of your voice may allow the parents of other juvenile victims to come forward. Left unchallenged, Mr. XXX will surely victimize another child . And, left unchallenged, Mr. XXX will eventually sexually abuse and assault another youngster.


    Greg Janowski
    Greg Janowski

    Micah I would be willing to talk with you and /or your son if you feel it might help. CovenentEyes can give you my contact info. Try getting your son to meet with a counselor. Have you researched ASCA Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse . They were very helpful when I finally realized my childhood trauma was still affecting me.
    God Bless and Good Luck

  6. AY

    Doesn’t Delta have the name and contact information of the man sitting in the seat next to your son? it seems to me that exposing a minor to pornography breaks a few laws. It doesn’t seem too late to take action and file a report.

  7. Sheri

    For the love of God, anyone who thinks that this child or his parents are in any way to blame may have mental issues of their own. I too, am sick of political correctness and I firmly believe in and understand rights but that man’s rights end where that child’s rights begin . That young man has the right to his innocence, to his childhood, to be able to ride on an airplane with a group his parents deemed responsible chaperones to go and do Gods work and give of his time to help victims of hurricane Sandy without becoming a victim of sexual exploitation and assault . Where is the respect ? Where is decency? Morals? There is no way I would have sat there and not said anything. The men and women who came before us and fought for this country’s rights and freedoms believed in a code of honor, decency and respect. This country was built on Christian values and ethics and it was not a “nanny” state , it was a matter of respecting one another and supporting each other as parents to protect our youth from evil in any form. It is a universal duty to God to protect children at all cost. I personally, am tired of being offended daily by the bombardment of the sexual exploitation of women and this society’s inability to inhibit itself. Enough already.

  8. Christopher Taylor

    You say take action. I hope you have taken action and refuse to stop causing a ruckus over this. File a complaint with the airline against the flight crew. File a complaint against the airline with the proper outlet (BBB?). File charges in every state which the plane flew over against the passenger for enticing a minor with illicit imagery. File a federal complaint if you have to. Go public. Have your child prepare a testimony against the man and share your story with media outlets. Do whatever it takes to show that this sort of behavior is abominable. In the meantime, prepare your heart to forgive the man on every level for such an outrage – the very moment he repents. Then you will show the true love of our Savior.

  9. Andre Adams

    Keep in mind where this thread began…on a website dedicated to helping people protect and heal themselves from the ravages of pornography…Most of us are sensitive to the potential harms…the general public on the other hand no longer shares this perspective to the extent that could have once been expected. It is also telling that even here, the poisonous notion of adults and children holding equal moral responsibility presents itself. Incidents like this are considerably complex as the differing viewpoints can attest. Micah’s anger is righteous and appropriate. This is not an issue we can simply dismiss.

  10. Gordo

    It is so sad that even in this very post there are those who do not see the wrong done in so many ways. The one man to commit such degradation so openly in public but especially to so freely infect such a young mind for that length of time. But the other sad part is that there must have been so many that could see what was going on and not one had the inclination to try to stop it. It does seem to show a decline in moral standards though I do believe this type of behavior always was there it’s just the increased population makes it more evident.

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