Defeat Lust & Pornography A young girl reading from the Bible with a young man.
Defeat Lust & Pornography 2 minute read

M’s Story: Learning How to Follow Jesus Away From Porn

Last Updated: June 6, 2023

The 2023 Covenant Eyes scholarship closed on May 31, and no further applications will be accepted. Check out our scholarships page for more information on future scholarship opportunities. The Victory Story below is taken from an essay written by one of our previous scholarship winners. The anonymous student, M, writes about growing up in a non-Christian home, finding Jesus, and eventually freedom from pornography

I grew up in a family where I wasn’t raised or taught to read the Bible, go to any church, or even believe in God. I only depended on myself or family for all my problems. And once middle school came, I felt like I was all alone, that I had no one.

I turned to video games, feeling like the friends I made online would help. It helped with my depression a little bit. But I was exposed to girls who barely wore anything and like most kids at that age, I started looking at things online that I shouldn’t have. It didn’t help that I was never taught that it was wrong. My family never told me anything.

As the years went by my life was getting worse and worse. Then I was introduced to Jesus. Truth be told, I almost committed suicide because I hated my life and I was so depressed. But the night that I almost committed suicide, I realized that my life would change forever and for the best.

Like I said before, I never was taught to read the Bible or go to church or pray, but I began doing those things. I can only give the glory to God and His Holy Spirit, because no one in my life at that time told me to do those things. And when I started reading the Bible, God showed me the verse in Matthew 5:28, that “…anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” That’s when I first realized that masturbation was wrong! And after Jesus showed me that verse, and many more like it, I knew it was wrong. But I still had trouble with sin.

After I started attending college, I met someone named K. At the beginning of the semester in January 2021, K chose from the very limited desks available to sit close to me. And that is when we started talking and forming a friendship. She opened up my eyes to a program called “Covenant Eyes,” and that’s when I started getting the victory over sin.

And as the months went by, I told her about my problems with lust and such, and she recommended to me a software called “Covenant Eyes.” I was really curious, to be honest, because not in a lifetime would I realize that there was a software out there that wanted to help me overcome porn. I looked into it, and I ended up signing up for Covenant Eyes, subscribed to it, and I have it installed on my phone and my laptop.

I am so grateful that there is software like this that helps me overcome my addiction. And I won’t lie, I have tried looking at porn, but thankfully the software won’t let me. I have been free from masturbation for about 1-2 months now. I thank God so very much, for my sister in Christ, K, but also for Covenant Eyes, which is helping me break the chains that I have been entered into for so very long.

You are helping me draw closer to God in a better relationship, so thank you!


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