Defeat Lust & Pornography lamar odom on phone outside
Defeat Lust & Pornography 1 minute read

Lamar Odom and His Journey to Overcome Porn

Last Updated: February 19, 2021

lamar odom and sabrina parrIn the summer of 2019, two-time NBA champion, Olympic medalist, and reality TV star Lamar Odom announced he was giving up porn. His new girlfriend, Sabrina Parr, told him he had to remove it from his life to make him a better person and to improve their relationship.

They didn’t have a solution to help him quit watching it. Sabrina would take his phone from him when she was away to keep him from looking at porn. But this made her feel like she was mothering him and didn’t feel that it was a good, permanent solution.

Lamar and Sabrina learned about Covenant Eyes and installed it on Lamar’s devices.

The former Dancing with the Stars contestant told Covenant Eyes that it was difficult to fight through his urges. He says giving up drugs was easier than giving up porn. “It was really tough,” says Odom, “I was trying to find ways to break through the phone. I have to thank Covenant Eyes for helping me beat this addiction.”

Lamar feels that identifying porn as a problem was a big part of his recovery. He says that of all the women he had been with previously, none of them talked to him about his pornography use. Sabrina was the first woman to confront him with it and tell him how it made her feel.

Lamar turned 40 this year. He says this is the first time he’s stopped looking at porn since he began looking at it as an early teen. He now feels ashamed at the times he was late to the team bus on game day because he wanted to watch just one more porn scene in his hotel room. It cost him a $5,000 fine each time then, but he believes it cost him a lot more than that with how it made him objectify women, which caused issues in all of his romantic relationships.

He now knows how porn sets unrealistic expectations and how being accountable makes life better. “My grandmother used to always say, ‘What’s done in the dark comes out in the light.’ I’m just trying to live in the light.”

Moving forward, Lamar hopes his story helps others seek the help they need. For nearly 20 years, Covenant Eyes has helped more than one million people stop looking at pornography or never start. “I’m one of them,” said Odom.

  1. Melissa McKinney

    Does Covenant eyes take a screen shot of all activity or just random images?

    • Moriah Bowman

      Hi Melissa!

      Our software takes random screenshots when your device is in use. So, although not all activity is captured, the screenshots are completely random.

      Hope this answers your questions!

  2. Anonymous

    Covenant Eyes decimates my laptop and cellular device’s performance. It takes several minutes for my phone to even load up now thanks to CE. My laptop runs slower as well. For all the porn addictions it cures, it sure just seems like a virus with a web filter.

    • Moriah Bowman

      Hi friend,

      I am sorry to hear that you are having some technical issues with our software! I would highly encourage you to contact our amazing Member Care Team. They may be able to walk you through some solutions.

      Toll-free in the US: (877) 479-1119
      Outside the US: +1 (989) 720-8000


  3. David J D'Arcy

    I’m thankful for CovenantEyes, especially after they started using screen accountability. As a born-again, professing Christian, I grew ashamed when I viewed pornography. With the software downloaded onto my laptop, iPad, and iPhone, I became ashamed because I was more afraid of getting caught from my wife and pastor than I was in offending our Great God, Jesus Christ! Two years of using Covenant Eyes in this manner, and with this attitude, with a few missteps (stupid when you know God, your pastor and wife will see it, thus destroying their trust and respect), I started to put God to the test. The Holy Spirit was and still is the biggest weapon against pornography. Rather than just doing my morning devotions by reading through the bible, I started to “carpet-bomb” every verse that dealt with adultery, sinful and lustful thoughts, and finally, what sin does. Sin offers death! (James 1:14-15) Knowing we all sin, but constant lustful thoughts that you refuse to take to the Lord is proving you DON’T KNOW THE LORD!!! Now I have over twenty verses that deal with purity, bringing my thoughts and activities captive so I can obey Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).

    By reading your booklet, Your Brain on Porn, I saw how destructive physically this activity could be. Hard to believe that things that bring pleasure can cut deep grooves in my brain that caused me to keep going back to something I shouldn’t be doing. I also know that by continually bathing my brain with scripture and being in constant prayer, deep and callous grooves cut into my brain will heal. Renewing my mind with Godly things has to be the answer. Until that time, I need to lean on the Holy Spirit to bring my thoughts and actions captive so I can obey Christ.

    There’s freedom in this. I no longer live in fear. Perfect love casts out fear, and by living a godly life, by striving to be the best husband to my wife, the feelings of guilt, when I wasn’t doing anything guilty, hopefully, will fade away.

  4. JBT

    Very interesting story from this sufferer

    I can confess once having serious temptations to pornography

    Cutting off home internet fixed that

    The idea of a software to help restrict the internet to you certainly occurred, though I am really not anyone’s programmer. Great to see a product to help people, what a great boon and blessing CE is giving to the world

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