Protect Your Kids
Protect Your Kids 1 minute read

Kalyn’s Secret: Protecting Your Teens from Sexual Predators Online

Last Updated: April 2, 2024

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 96


When Kalyn was 15 years old, her parents received an $800 cell phone bill in the mail. After some investigation, they discovered their daughter’s secret: she was emotionally involved with a man who was 31 years older than her.

Today Kalyn and her mother, Lisa, talk with us about how she was groomed by this man over a period of two years. They also talk about the warning signs of sexual predation parents need to be looking for in their own teens.

Lisa and Kalyn are the authors of Kalyn’s Secret: Every Parent’s Battle to Save Their Children.

Music for today’s podcast is “We Are Not” by The Difficulty.
Listen to more Covenant Eyes Radio on iTunes.

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  1. Mark Pearson

    I think it is also important to recognize that what these sexual predators say is extremely realistic. What they say is, for the most part, the sort of things real friends say to one another.

    I once heard a story about this very subject. There was a young man who was very involved in the fictional writing community, setting up accounts on several sites dedicated to the hobby. Somewhere down the road, he says he found a young lady who was very similar to him. They struck up a few conversations on the sites, then a few more by e-mail, and then phone.

    Now, before you come to too many conclusions, this story does have a happy ending. The girl was legitimate, and they have a legitimate friendship. It’s legitimacy all around. Even the dialogue.

    I have seen copies of the e-mails they sent back and forth. It’s scary how much of it matches up to Kalyn’s tale. That 44-year-old man knew his stuff. These two complimented one another, the boy stated that she was his best friend.

    That’s what alarmed me most. They hadn’t seen one another in person, and yet they were “best friends.” Doesn’t that sound like “friending” on Facebook? I mean, it’s better than the no-locked-doors MySpace community, but we need to consider the concept of “good, better, best.”

    MySpace: Open door. Facebook: Locked door. No social networking: Locked door with 12-gauge.

    And now I’m being wordy. Summary: Monitor kids’ computer activity. Install CE. And, if you’re feeling brave, start a “Facebook is Dangerous” group and get all your friends to join. Remember to have a Facebook page for it all. ;)

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