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Defeat Lust & Pornography 8 minute read

Hypofrontality: How Using Porn Destroys Your Willpower

Last Updated: January 16, 2024

Hypofrontality isn’t a word you see every day—but it might hold the secret to why you keep looking at porn.

Neuroscience now knows that willpower is a function of the prefrontal lobes of the brain. Scientific studies have also confirmed that using porn over and over actually reshapes these areas of the brain, literally eroding our willpower and our moral compass.

Neuroscientists call this hypofrontality. Hypofrontality is a state in which there is decreased blood flow to the prefrontal lobes of the brain. Hypofrontality is observed in schizophrenia patients and is also observed in all manner of addictions.

What Is Hypofrontality?

In his ebook, The Porn Circuit, Sam Black explains what hypofrontality is for the porn viewer.

“Compulsiveness is a good descriptor of hypofrontality. Many porn users feel focused on getting to porn and masturbating even when a big part of them is saying, ‘Don’t do this.’ Even when negative consequences seem imminent, impulse control is too weak to battle the cravings.”

Compulsiveness is one way to describe hypofrontality. The porn-addicted brain has trouble thinking logically. When impulses and desires come from the midbrain, instead of being moderated, the brain feels these desires as compelling needs. The prefrontal region is supposed to be able to weigh consequences and situations and judiciously shut down cravings, but hypofrontality means the addict’s ability to do this is impaired.

To the addict, when the craving for porn surfaces, their whole body gears up for action. As unhindered hormones are released and neurotransmitters fire, the craving consumes them. The heart begins to race, blood pressure rises, and the addict is consumed by a single thought: “Just one more time.”

Another way to put is simply “lack of willpower.”

What Causes Hypofrontality?

Compared to other creatures, humans have a very well-developed prefrontal region. When our prefrontal lobes are working properly, we have “executive control” of the processes in our brains. It is where we do our abstract thinking, make goals, solve problems, regulate behavior, and where we suppress emotions, impulses, and urges.

But the more one masturbates to porn, the more dopamine is released in the brain. Eventually dopamine receptors and signals in the brain fatigue, leaving the viewer wanting more but unable to reach a level of satisfaction. The viewer becomes numb to things once considered pleasurable. “To escape this desensitization, people, and men especially, expand their pornographic tastes to more novel stimuli,” Black writes. This leads, again, to more fatigue.

Desensitization impacts the prefrontal cortex. As dopamine receptors decline in the brain, so do the amount of neural cells in the prefrontal lobes.

How Do You Regain Your Willpower?

To bring the prefrontal lobes back into working order, a two-pronged attack is needed: (1) the old neural pathways must be starved, and (2) new neural pathways must be built and fed, increasing dopamine levels in a way that builds up the prefrontal cortex.

1. Starve: Stop All Pornography and Fantasy

Don’t give in to the urge to look at porn. As the prefrontal lobes are given plenty of time to rest, executive control will be strengthened over time.

This advice feels to many like a catch-22. “You tell me I’ve killed my willpower by looking at porn. So now the way to increase my willpower is by willing myself not to look at porn. How does that work?” Isn’t that like telling the alcoholic to “just stop it”?

The big difference between “just stop it” and a conscious effort to rewire your brain is this: The man being told to “just stop it” has no hope that the cravings will ever be different. When he hears “just stop it,” he hears, “Live with these intense cravings the rest of your life and never give into them.” To the addict, porn is life. Telling him to stop is like telling him to die.

However, informed by the process of how our brains can change, the addict can avoid porn and fantasy knowing that real change is possible. Hypofrontality can be cured. Change is built into the very fabric of our brains. Change is exactly what our brains are designed to do. When this person abstains from porn, he thinks, “Okay, this really stinks for now. I feel terrible. But I will not always feel this way. In fact, I aim to reclaim my brain so I can experience real, lasting pleasure again.”

You can learn more about brain chemicals and porn addiction. Here are some helpful tips for avoiding pornography:


When you feel the urge, get into the habit of distracting yourself with another activity that you can start immediately. This can be as simple as a breathing exercise or journaling your thoughts. It can be as involved as making a meal or going for a jog. It will be difficult to do, but each time you choose to redirect, your brain will build new neural circuits.

Avoid All External Triggers

Remember, you’ve carved a grand-canyon-sized gorge of neural circuits in your mind. It is easy for everyday experiences to become triggers. If the trigger is a specific channel on TV, refuse to visit that channel. If the trigger is a type of person you see walking down the street, choose to bounce your eyes away from that person. Learn what your triggers are and for the first several weeks or months, completely avoid them—no exceptions.

Avoid Internal Triggers

External triggers are things you experience in the world. Internal triggers are emotions or states of mind. For some, when they feel lonely, this has become a trigger for porn. Porn has become their release valve to make themselves feel good. Identify what your internal triggers are (loneliness, boredom, exhaustion, anger, etc.), and create an escape plan when these emotions pop up. Call a friend. Journal your thoughts. Do something creative.

Avoid SUDs

“Seemingly Unimportant Decisions.” These are the rationalizations you say to yourself to get you one step closer to porn. “I’m just going to see what’s on TV.” “I’m just going to check my e-mail.” “I’m just going to get on Facebook.” Get honest with yourself and learn what your SUDs are. Be ruthless against these rationalizations.

Avoid Inactivity

Fill up your social calendar to the brim. Refuse to give yourself an open window. Check out our post on 50 Things to Do Instead of Watching Porn for help!

Finish the Fantasy

When the thought of looking at porn enters your mind, immediately finish the fantasy: imagine yourself having just orgasmed and the feeling of regret or shame that normally follows. Vividly experience the emotions.

Destroy Fantasies

As a fantasy or thought enters your mind, picture the image being eliminated. Draw a red X over it. Smash it with a hammer. Put it through the shredder. Flush it down the nastiest-looking toilet you’ve ever seen.

Make Yourself Accountable

Pornography thrives in secret. When you’re not only honest with yourself, but also with a trusted ally, you’ll find your willpower is much stronger than it ever was in isolation. 

2. Feed: Build Up Your Brain

Much like a muscle, the more you exercise the prefrontal cortex, the stronger it becomes. The goal is to engage in new habits that will increase your dopamine and dopamine receptors.


Making a habit of meditation has been shown to increase dopamine release by up to 65%.1 Even after only 11 hours of meditation spread over a month, changes are observable.2 (See here for a Christian approach to meditation).


Aerobic exercise has been shown to increase dopamine receptors3 and decrease cravings4 for those bound in addiction.


Porn-watching is a very anti-social habit. By reforging connections to real people, and spending pleasurable time together, you will establish new neural pathways of pleasure.


Accountability isn’t just about starving your brain from porn. It also helps you build deep and meaningful relationships that fill the void in your life you used to fill with pornography. 

Change Is Gradual, But It Will Come

Summarizing these above two points, Sam Black writes in The Porn Circuit:

Whatever rewarding activity is pursued, it needs to be an activity that is reoccurring. Building new rewarding neural pathways requires time and ongoing repetition…

Neurons that fire together wire together. Repeating a pleasurable activity instead of the compulsive activity, such as porn use, forms a new circuit that is gradually reinforced instead of the compulsion.

Neurons that fire apart wire apart. When a person refuses to act on a compulsion, like porn and masturbation, it weakens the link between the activity and the idea that it will provide relief.

The prefrontal cortex is one of the things that makes us unique from other creatures on Earth. By reclaiming it we are reclaiming more than our willpower. We are reclaiming our humanity.





  1. Celeste

    I came across this through someone else’s Facebook. I chose to read this because for years I just haven’t been able to shake the urge to watch porn. Something I really liked is to channel when the urge comes up to think of the guilt you feel afterwards. Wow did that hit home. I have felt such guilt and I have prayed and tried to understand what’s going on. I am really going to use the tools you have given. I have since I can remember (around kindergarden) had the urge just to masturbate and I believe that’s because of something that happened as a child. This has lead me to start looking at porn around grade school. I have lead a seemingly normal life I didn’t drink until 21 did go to clubs but for the most part always have been the one to keep others out of trouble. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t made bad choices either. So I wouldn’t say my moral compass is way off but I want to get my mind healthy again. Thank you and wish me luck.

    • Thanks. I hope this helps!

    • Kay Bruner

      Hey Celeste, thanks for being so real. It sounds to me like you could use some support as you work through this–that’s even better than luck! I like to recommend the American Association of Christian Counselors website as a place to check for counselors in your area. Blessings on your journey–Kay

  2. Derek

    Great article. I am beginning my journey from abstaining, and the early going is pretty rough. I am having a hard time concentrating and keeping myself on task. I’ve had addictive behavioral problems my whole life, and I am finally attacking it head on. It’s scary to live on without your coping mechanism, but it is possible. One day at a time…

    • Hi Derek,

      Yes, any time we are quitting a deeply engrained habit it will be difficult—especially one as “rewarding” as this is. You’ve really hit the nail on the head when you call it your “coping mechanism.” You recognize that porn is your drug of choice. The underlying problem is what you need to address more than anything. Find the sources of your stress and pain, and then find out how you can rush to new wholesome sources to cope. You will be better for it.

  3. Adam

    Thanks for the reply Lisa! A lot of what you have said does make sense. I do realize that although I am single now, that may not always be the case. The main statement I still have though after reading your reply is in regards to your statement about temptation and God providing escape. That is very true. However I was not referring to temptation, but to the overall sex drive. I realize this a common issue, virtually every guy struggles with. God for some reason decided to instill such desires in us, then decided to make it almost impossible to deal with it(without sinning of course, the way women are today, there is no lack of it for the single guy, if you really wanted to go down that road) I mean instill such an urge that begins around 14(earlier or later, depending on the guy) but say nope, cant help yourself through this, you have to wait till a wife comes around(if you ever get to that point). I mean really?? How is that good? I have often prayed to God to take away the sex drive, but it seems that prayer falls on deaf ears(I mean no disrespect). I don’t know, it really has shaken my faith in the whole church thing(don’t get me wrong, I still believe in Jesus, and he is my personal Saviour) I am at the point now where I am really reconsidering the Idea of waiting till marriage, its out there, why not take some before you are too old to really enjoy it??

    • Lisa Eldred

      I’ll certainly grant you that it’s rough, especially as we’ve made a cultural shift towards delayed marriage. Given our culture’s general tendency to glorify the act of sex, it must be especially difficult to be a single guy who’s patiently waiting.

      So why hold out? The short answer is that God commanded it. Marriage, and therefore sexual intimacy, is meant to be a picture of how Christ loved the church (Eph. 5:25-27). It’s supposed to be faithful and sacrificial, as Christ himself is faithful and sacrificial.

      We are also called members of Christ, and “shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them to a prostitute” (1 Cor. 6:15)? (Even if you’re not paying for sex, out of wedlock it’s effectively the same thing in God’s eyes.) Remember, in marriage through intercourse, “the two shall become one flesh” (vs. 16). This is backed up by science, for the record; neurochemicals like Oxytocin are triggered through physical intimacy, causing sexual partners to bond through each other. If a husband and wife only ever bond with each other sexually, their bond should only increase over time. If you walk into marriage already bonded to another, it won’t be doing your marriage any favors. (Check out The Porn Circuit for more information about the chemical side of things; it’s porn-specific, but it contrasts it to what intimacy should be.)

      So that’s at least part of the reason why God gave you a sex drive and is still telling you “wait.” The next question is “How?” I’m going to list just a ton of (mostly stream-of-consciousness) ideas, both about singleness in general and to help you rule over your sex drive instead of letting it rule over you. I apologize in advance; I know some of them will come across as trite or cliche. Please know that I’m listing even the trite-sounding ones out of a genuine concern for you as my brother in Christ.

      1. Remember that Jesus and (probably) Paul both died as single virgins. God’s not asking you to do something he himself didn’t do. (As for Paul, some scholars speculate that he may have actually been a widower, but regardless, he lived for the latter half of his wife without sexual intimacy.)

      2. Meditate on the fact that Paul describes singleness as an enviable state. Are there things you can do as a single that you wouldn’t be able to do as easily if you were married? Think both service and pleasure: you can volunteer more in churches or at soup kitchens, but you can also spontaneously decide to go out of town for the weekend, or pick up a more time-consuming hobby, or buy, gut, and rebuild a house, or whatever you like to do.

      3. Consider online dating, if you haven’t already. Paul tells people who can’t control their sex drives to get married, so start actively pursuing marriage, if you haven’t already. There’s no guarantee you’ll find “the one” even then, but online dating will at least broaden the pool. (Oh, and by the way, many Christian girls are taught to wait for the guy to make the first move, so don’t assume that if a young woman finds you attractive, she’ll approach you.)

      4. Find someone to be a mentor or accountability partner. I recommend an older single male from your church – someone who has been in your shoes for a longer time, and who can help you deal with various issues.

      5. Differentiate between sinful lust and the godly desire for intimacy with a wife. When you are interested in a single young woman, are you just thinking about how attractive she is, or are you more interested in getting to know her as a human being who you may want to be with “in sickness and in health”? The latter is a godly desire. The former may need repentance.

      6. Retrain yourself in how you think about women. This is especially true if your first thought about women is how they look. It may be as simple as forcing yourself to follow up the thought of “Man, she’s hot! I wonder if she’s single” with “I wonder what kind of person God made her to be. What are her interests and hobbies? Is there anything going on in her life that I should pray for?” (By the way, you should do this any time you evaluate a woman by her looks first, whether beautiful or ugly.) Whatever you do, the idea is to make sure you’re thinking of her not as a sexual being, but as a human being with her own life, created in the image of God.

      7. Remember that sex and marriage doesn’t solve anything. TV and movies are preoccupied with telling us that all we need is to get laid and all our emotional issues will go away. In reality, marriage is two sinners bringing their own problems into one family unit. Additionally, sex can actually be very painful! Some dear friends of mine were unable to have sex for the first year or two of their marriage because whenever they tried, the wife was caused extreme pain. They built intimacy in other ways and eventually found a medical solution, but it distinctly put a strain on their brand new marriage. So don’t buy into the lie that sex will fix all your problems.

      8. Following that, remember that even once you have a wife, marriage (and the sex therein) may be temporary. Many people become single again for many reasons (widowhood, divorce, physical injury, illness).

      9. Consider going on a media fast, or being more selective about the media you consume. I’m not even talking about just porn here. Shows like the recently-ended “How I Met Your Mother” reinforce the lie that sex solves everything. Ask yourself whenever you go to watch a movie or TV show or play a video game or read a book, “What is this telling me about sex and relationships? Is that lie at the forefront?” If it is, maybe you shouldn’t watch/play/read it. (I’m not saying that you should only watch/play/read Christian stuff. Just be selective. For example, The Avengers is comparatively clean; even the sexualized Black Widow is portrayed as a well-rounded human being.)

      10. Re-tool your prayers. Sexuality is a biological function, as you yourself mention; praying to remove your sex drive is sort of like praying that your hair will never turn gray. Rather than praying for that, pray for some of the struggles that may be leading to you having more overwhelming sexual urges. Is loneliness a contributing factor? Or maybe it’s your general anger or bitterness? Ask God for help controlling the sin, not the result. (On a personal note, about four years ago I started praying for God to deal with bitterness in my own life. While I can’t say it’s completely gone, through various situations over the years and especially an accountability relationship with a good friend who kept singing and quoting scripture at me, my bitterness has been reduced.)

      11. Consider seeking counseling. You mentioned being an angry, upset man. I don’t know anything about your life to truly make this judgement call, so take it with a grain of salt, but is there some overwhelming cause to this anger that might require professional assistance, like a childhood trauma?

      Like I said, that was a whole lot of train-of-thought. Hopefully at least something in there provided you with help and encouragement.

    • Lisa Eldred

      As a side note, about five minutes after posting my response, I happened to stumble across this open letter to male virgins. You might want to give it a read.

    • Paul

      Lisa is telling you like it is, I just want to add something to think about. Listen Adam, God loves YOU, and He gave his one and only son, Jesus Christ, to die for YOU on a cross AND He rose to life again! Understand, Jesus is ALIVE today, this is not a fairy tale, He loves you and is today setting at the right hand of the Father ever interceding for us. I am old enough to be your grandpa but hear me, I was molested at age 12 which introduced me to masturbation, I was completely clueless about sex and thankfully, there were only 4 incidents. The first incident happened inside the Church I attended. I kept this a secret which is what sin does to us, fear raises its ugly head and we live in secrecy, porn will do the same. My wife of over 30 years is who I told first. She is an angel and if I have ever experienced the love and grace of Jesus, it has been through her. I have struggled with masturbation which alone will lead to viewing porn. I loved the lesson today, it reminded me of a story I once heard. There is two dogs living within you, a wicked dog and a good dog, which one is going to LIVE? The one you FEED the most! Your 27, do not give in to urges that are selfish and will grow into an animal you cannot control. Stay in God’s word, meditate on it and study His word, and please stay in a Bible believing Church and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal God’s love and His Grace which is sufficient for you. Grace is unmerited favor, you cannot earn it, you cannot do your list of Christian things to get God’s favor. Always remember (even memorize) his word that says in 2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in YOUR weakness.” God bless you Adam, don’t give in, don’t give out, and don’t give up!! Make Jesus your priority and ask Him for help, trust His leading and prompting. Last, I have Covenant Eyes on my PC, if you don’t, get it.

  4. Adam

    Great article, and good information. However the only thing you do not address(and I have never heard this addressed) is when you say that over time your brains desire for porn will end. I do not doubt this to be true. However the problem is for those of us who are single, and don’t believe in Sex till marriage. I myself am a 27 yo virgin. You say there is something better at the end of thes struggles, when a porn addiction is overcome. For those of us who have no other outlet, there really isn’t. I remember back in the day before I Used porn and masturbated, I was a very angry upset guy. When you have these “urges” and you have no way to deal with them, turning to “visual aids” really is the only other option. I have got off porn before(for 2 years) and to be honest, I hated it. Always wanting to do something you can not do(talking about sex). That is not cool. That is one area in which God has done men a major disservice. Make you want to do something every day, and provide basically no way to deal with it….anyway I didn’t mean to rant.
    the big question here is, yeah I could stop, I have done it before, but if that is the only way to make these “urges” go away, albeit only temporary, why should I stop?

    • Lisa Eldred

      Your position is understandable. However, even for virgins (and perhaps especially for virgins), something better awaits those who abstain. More specifically, just because you’re 27 and single doesn’t mean you’ll always be single. The real question is, do you care more about setting yourself up for a good marriage from the get-go, or do you care more about immediate gratification and personal happiness? Because if you care more about your immediate personal happiness and not the happiness of your marriage, by all means, keep using porn, and don’t bring a woman into your own life. But if you truly want to get married, then for your future wife’s sake, stop right now.

      Here’s just an off-the-cuff bullet list of what you’re bringing into your marriage by your continued use of porn:

      • Thousands of women who are airbrushed, dyed, and otherwise made up to be hotter than your wife.
      • A brain that’s hardwired to believe that variety is better than monogamy.
      • A high probability of erectile dysfunction.
      • A high probability of causing your wife extreme distress (read this post, and especially the comments from devastated wives…and I could find you hundreds of other examples).

      The first three points in that list especially all add up to the fact that marriage does not solve your sexual “needs,” thereby leading to the fourth point. In fact, your first experience of intercourse will most likely be awkward and possibly outright painful. Your wife will have her own needs and desires and emotional issues. So don’t believe for an instant that getting married will eliminate the desire to watch porn. (Read a blog post about that here.)

      I also want to address your comment that you feel that God has done a major disservice to men. From this aside, I am going to assume that you are a brother in Christ, and as your sister in Christ, I feel I must exhort you to go meditate for a while on 1 Corinthians, especially chapters 6 and 7 (on sexual temptation, singleness, and marriage), and on 1 Corinthians 10:13, where it says, “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” Porn is nothing if not “common to man.” The real problem is that you’ve come to the (understandable) conclusion that porn is the way of escape from your anger and bitterness, when in reality it is the sin. It’s adultery against a woman you haven’t met yet (Matthew 5:28).

      To wrap these thoughts up, I’m going to quote Donny Pauling, a former porn producer for Playboy. (Check back in June; you’ll be able to read a full interview with him in our upcoming e-book, The Hardcore Truth.) Here’s what he told a high school kid about porn:

      I said, “Let me ask you this: if you had a woman in your life right now, would you fight for her?” And he sticks his chest out and says, “Of course I would.” I say, “What if two years from now, you meet the woman of your dreams, and you can say, ‘I’ve been fighting the battle of my life for you, and I didn’t even know you yet.'” He asks, “What are you talking about?” I was like, “Say no to these women that are throwing themselves at you. Be willing to fight for her even when she is not willing to fight for herself. That’s what a man does. These women that are throwing themselves at you are putting themselves on a screen – in this case, with porn – they are not fighting for themselves. What is gentlemanly about giving in and just using them?”

  5. jim

    Thanks for the timely article. With the start of Lent tomorrow I hope it keeps me focused on overcoming this addiction. Thanks !

  6. David

    Awesome information. I am ready to start practicing these things. I am grateful that God is using you to help His people live in the freedom He bought for us.

  7. Rob

    Thanks for posting this article and for all the great stuff you guys regularly post! I direct anyone I counsel about porn addiction straight to this blog. This information about the neuroscience of addiction is a huge breakthrough, even though it’s nothing really new, having an understanding of the brain chemistry and the HOPE that there can be change is a powerful catalyst. I thank God for His work in my life and for YOU, Covenant Eyes!

    • You’re welcome, Rob. Hope these articles are helpful the readers you sent our way!

    • Johnnie

      Thanks for sharing, I am a former crack addict and I am currently addicted to porn. The symptoms are the same. I currently out of town for my job. It’s is 9:43 pm during this time I would usually would be watching porn. But I am so glad I found this site it have helped me a lot. I have made a commitment to start reading the Bible more and stay in fellowship with God more I appreciate your comments and the others. Please keep me in you prayers. Thanks.

    • NAUJ

      Mine is like Kevin’s… (allow me brother)

      “kevin February 21, 2016 at 5:09 pm

      I am looking forward to reading this ebook. I started self gratification at age 8. Porn addiction started AFTER my conversion to jesus. When i was 19. Been a very long. Up and down road. I am now 48. To me it is like a heroin addiction. Pray for me.”

      I believe that having Jesus as your Lord and saviour, we will be more subjected to greater temptations and testings….
      I thought it is as simple as that but the more you refuse the more the cravings are getting stronger.
      @ 4th grade i begun to experience masturbating, and by hearing from friends that it is a very normal thing to do , i begun to do it frequently, right after my first time i knew it was wrong but still did it because i know Jesus would forgive me from all my sins…… and i knew that that kind of thinking is horribly wrong. . And the thought is still haunting me untill now… the SIN gets worst after the first time i watched porn maybe at the age of 14 or 15 and i am 24 now… i begun searching for ways on stopping this addiction … these might be my third time… i thought i would be free the second time that i tried.. i havnt watched porn and masturbated for a month or weeks… but failed to be consistent on my battle …. deep down i know that satan is the master of deceiption but it seems to me that i am letting my self to be decieved…. this article opened my eyes from a lot of things… please pray for me as I pray for all of us…. that we might pray without ceasing and ask the lords guidance every second of our lives…

  8. Great article! After 30 years of creating a “grand-canyon-sized gorge” in my brain, God helped me retrain my brain and smooth out those deep ruts I created. I now work with men to help them do the same and have seen great success. You have given some tremendous advice for men. I especially like your “SUDs” definition. Keep up the good work!

    • Todd Hurd

      Can anyone tell me if it is possible to rid my screen of the most annoying buttons for Facebook, Twitter, G+, P4, email and print. I can hardly read the article with this stuck in the way.

    • Lisa Eldred

      Hi Todd, sorry about that! I’ll pass your comment on to our web developers so we can fix the issue.

    • Excellent In the later part of my Fter my retirement left alone I became an addict.Your enlightening article saved me and what is said is 100%true.

    • kevin

      I am looking forward to reading this ebook. I started self gratification at age 8. Porn addiction started AFTER my conversion to jesus. When i was 19. Been a very long. Up and down road. I am now 48. To me it is like a heroin addiction. Pray for me.

    • Basit Ali

      Does not know where you are….who you are…..but thanks friend.ALLAH bless you

    • Jake

      Hey I was wondering how you help man with this and what programs you can direct me to. I am looking for a serious change in my life and need help from someone who has done it. Thanks

    • Jake

      Thank you for this article. What you have ascribed here represents the culmination of several signs the universe (inner and outer) has shown me over the past couple months or so, and your work was the powerful jolt of inspiration I needed to make a stand to cut out porn. Technology, the planet, and all of it’s wonderful creatures (including humans) are in all in the midst of a delicate dance right now, and I believe we will need all of the prefrontal cortex function we can muster to make this relationship work between Mother Earth, Lady Universe, and our human race. Certainly, reverting back to the ancestral survival impulses expressed by Neanderthals and beings past is not the answer. Thank you so much for your concise, informative, and moving work, and I look forward to reading more offerings of yours in the future.
      Danka Danka!

    • Matt

      Thank you for this article. This explains very much.

      Please let me share my story. I am 32 now, with two small boys and happily married.

      At the age of 17 I found online porn. Instantly hooked and addicted. I spent 15 years and a half years craving it, thinking about it all the time, and planning my porn time daily. Somehow I managed to still hold a job and get married. I had to do it daily, usually a few times a day, for hours at a time.

      Friends, this will destroy a marriage like no other. My wife knew of my former porn habits, but I was lying to her and she did not know I was still looking at it even after having our first son.

      I tried everything to quit under my own will-power. I sometimes could go a week here, a week there… but it just came roaring back and when that porn takes root in your mind, and you dwell on it, it infects your soul and you simply WILL do it again in the very near future.

      Friends, please listen. I have been SET FREE from porn completely now for over 6 months. One I truly turned it over to Jesus Christ, who died for the sins of everyone who ever lived, and confessed my sinfulness and desires to live HIS way, not mine, He delivered me.

      Listen, I do not have a desire for porn. I am set free, I do not desire it! Jesus took away my desire for porn and all lust in general.

      It’s very simple men. Confess your sin to Jesus. Say “Lord God I confess to you that my love for porn is sinful. It is adultery in the heart, and fornication. Please forgive me.”

      He WILL forgive you and give you the power of His spirit to overcome this addiction that dominates you.

      I’ve been there, I lived in it. There is no hope in nothing other than Jesus, friends. I tried it all. Open up the Bible and read for yourselves what Jesus says about it all.

      Start with the book of John and go from there.

      God bless! My heart goes out to all you who battle this garbage. Be set free in the name of Jesus. Your choice. Humble yourself and believe.

    • Mark Byars

      Thank you

    • Daniel

      Thanks for the ammunition.

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Editor's Picks

Dallas Jenkins

Defeat Lust & Pornography

Dallas Jenkins On Overcoming Pornography

Dallas Jenkins is a writer, producer, and director, best known as the…

7 minute read

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Editor's Picks

Man embracing his friend who is sharing his story at the group therapy session

Defeat Lust & Pornography

Do You Want To Get Well? The Path to Surrender

Redemption Road Mentoring provides recovery services to those who are struggling with…

4 minute read

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Editor's Picks

A young woman looking at her reflection.

Defeat Lust & Pornography

How Identity Shapes the Journey to a Porn-Free Life

When someone embarks on a journey to quit consuming pornography, they generally…

4 minute read

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Editor's Picks

Pensive man lost in thought.

Defeat Lust & Pornography

What are you willing to do to overcome porn?

I’ve been working at Covenant Eyes for almost 20 years, and during…

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Man praying, hands clasped together on his Bible.

Defeat Lust & Pornography

What Does Holiness Mean When You Struggle With Porn?

Do Christians in the 21st century still need to be holy? If…

Do Christians in the 21st century still need to be holy? If so, what exactly does this mean? Specifically, what does holiness mean in the context of struggles with pornography? I suspect most people have…

5 minute read


Defeat Lust & Pornography

5 Important Things To Know About Singleness and Porn

Let’s face it: being single is challenging on so many levels. You…

Let’s face it: being single is challenging on so many levels. You may feel like you “deserve” or need sexual release and turn to porn, or you may be driven into a deep sense of…

5 minute read


Dallas Jenkins

Defeat Lust & Pornography

Dallas Jenkins On Overcoming Pornography

Dallas Jenkins is a writer, producer, and director, best known as the…

Dallas Jenkins is a writer, producer, and director, best known as the mind behind The Chosen, the popular TV series depicting the life of Jesus. What you may not know about Jenkins is his story…

7 minute read


Man embracing his friend who is sharing his story at the group therapy session

Defeat Lust & Pornography

Do You Want To Get Well? The Path to Surrender

Redemption Road Mentoring provides recovery services to those who are struggling with…

Redemption Road Mentoring provides recovery services to those who are struggling with sexual/pornography addiction and spouses dealing with betrayal trauma. As the first step in the mentoring process, both struggler and survivor are challenged with…

4 minute read


A young woman looking at her reflection.

Defeat Lust & Pornography

How Identity Shapes the Journey to a Porn-Free Life

When someone embarks on a journey to quit consuming pornography, they generally…

When someone embarks on a journey to quit consuming pornography, they generally come from one of two places. Some people make a conscious, motivated decision to stop watching porn because they’re committed to a healthier…

4 minute read


Pensive man lost in thought.

Defeat Lust & Pornography

What are you willing to do to overcome porn?

I’ve been working at Covenant Eyes for almost 20 years, and during…

I’ve been working at Covenant Eyes for almost 20 years, and during that time I’ve talked with thousands of people on their journey away from porn. There have been teens striving to use technology with…

5 minute read