Most Recent Posts in Rebuild Your Marriage
Three Cheers for Real Sex!
How many movies have you seen that portray a couple who’s been…
How many movies have you seen that portray a couple who’s been married for thirty years having sex? I am sure a few exist, but when you think generally about who’s having sex on the…
Sex Isn’t the Solution to Your Husband’s Porn Problem
In the first few moments after I found my husband Craig’s digital…
In the first few moments after I found my husband Craig’s digital footprints that led me to his favorite porn sites, all I could see, feel, and speak revolved around rage. I was embarrassed (because…
8 Relationship-Saving Principles You Can Start Using Tonight
I’ll be honest with you. I betrayed my wife. I lied to…
I’ll be honest with you. I betrayed my wife. I lied to her almost every night for four straight years. I did a quick estimate and figured that I lied at least 1,000 times to…
10 Ways to Help Your Spouse Heal after Sexual Betrayal
If you are the one who has wounded your spouse with your…
If you are the one who has wounded your spouse with your sexual acting out and you’ve read beyond the title of this article, I’ll assume you have at least some level of interest in…
5 Ways Our Marriage Improved Without Porn
Marriage and porn. There are so many ways pornography can infiltrate. In…
Marriage and porn. There are so many ways pornography can infiltrate. In our case, my husband, Craig, brought it in. The addiction started in his teens. It was his own personal escape from the reality…
Why There Is No Sex in Heaven
Here are two contrasting cultural beliefs for you to consider: Sex is…
Here are two contrasting cultural beliefs for you to consider: Sex is the best thing on the planet Heaven is full of the best things we can imagine So if both of these things are…
If You Love Her, Tell Her the Truth
Consistently, wives of sex addicts share with me how the lies and…
Consistently, wives of sex addicts share with me how the lies and secrets their husbands keep from them hurt more than the sexual acting out itself. I asked a few of these wives the question,…
Marriage Is Not the Answer to Your Desire for Sex
It’s a line often heard in well-intentioned lessons on sexual purity: God…
It’s a line often heard in well-intentioned lessons on sexual purity: God created sex. It’s His. Pornography and premarital sex are just distortions of what God made that is good: sex within marriage. Those sexual…
3 Essential Responses to Your Spouse’s Betrayal Trauma Triggers
“What are you looking at?!” Lisa shrieks while her eyes bulge and…
“What are you looking at?!” Lisa shrieks while her eyes bulge and her body pulses with adrenaline. Doug looks up from his phone like a deer caught in the headlights. Panicked, he tries to reassure…
Are You Pursuing Sexual Intimacy or Just Sexual Activity?
A growing trend in our culture is the separation of sex from…
A growing trend in our culture is the separation of sex from intimacy. Perhaps the most obvious example of this is the “hook up” culture, described by Dr. Lisa Wade in her book The Great American…