Most Recent Posts in Protect Your Kids
What Parents Need to Know About Instagram
So, your tween has been begging and begging for you to let…
So, your tween has been begging and begging for you to let them get an Instagram account. Should you let them? A lot of parents are familiar with Instagram. You may even have your own…
A Tale of Two Sons
Being a parent in the digital age is difficult. The doorways to…
Being a parent in the digital age is difficult. The doorways to distorted and false information are wherever there is Internet access. Parents having the right conversations at the right times isn’t a guarantee that…
Should Kids See Nude Art? Should You?
If you’ve ever taken a child to an art museum, chances are…
If you’ve ever taken a child to an art museum, chances are that they’ll quickly point out that “those people don’t have any clothes on!” Nude art—whether in paintings or statues—has been part of our…
10 Ways to Begin Talking to Your Children About Sex & Porn
Last we met, we left Zack and his father, Aaron, as they…
Last we met, we left Zack and his father, Aaron, as they were about to have “the talk.” Before Aaron was ready to talk to his son about sex and porn, Aaron had to do…
My Kid Was Stuck Watching Porn on a Plane
Shocked. Horrified. Disgusted. Sickened. That’s only a handful of the emotions that…
Shocked. Horrified. Disgusted. Sickened. That’s only a handful of the emotions that overtook me when I found out that my 14-year-old son was a captive audience to a two-and-a-half-hour public display of hardcore heterosexual and…
5 Ways Our Culture Is Grooming Your Daughter for Porn
Whether your daughter is seven years old or seventeen, our culture is…
Whether your daughter is seven years old or seventeen, our culture is grooming her for an appetite for pornography. If you have a daughter or know someone who does, listen up. Millions of well meaning…
10 Shocking Stats About Teens and Pornography (2024)
What is pornography like for today’s teenagers? This is the first generation…
What is pornography like for today’s teenagers? This is the first generation to grow up in a world where smartphones and high-speed internet have always existed. According to recent studies, 95% of teens now have…
Talking to Your Daughter About Sex and Porn: A Stage-by-Stage Guide
When it comes to discussing sex and pornography, how soon is too…
When it comes to discussing sex and pornography, how soon is too soon? It’s a question many parents ask. They don’t want to overexpose their children or be guilty of stirring up temptation in their…
How to Warn Young Kids About Porn
A lot of parents don’t want to broach the subject of pornography…
A lot of parents don’t want to broach the subject of pornography with their kids because they don’t want to plant any ideas in their heads. They’re afraid they will rouse curiosity. But the problem…
How to Keep a Porn-User for Life
When it comes to porn, don’t get distracted by the sex and…
When it comes to porn, don’t get distracted by the sex and miss what really drives the industry: money. Pornography isn’t a back-alley business of repressed artists looking to explore the pleasures of erotica. It…