Most Recent Posts in Help Others Restore Integrity
Little Boys in Men’s Bodies: What masculinity is and is not
Howdy Partner! Tell me what guy doesn’t occasionally belt this song in…
Howdy Partner! Tell me what guy doesn’t occasionally belt this song in an off-pitched squeal in the shower, in his car, or in his own head at the grocery store. Here is a classic example…
Beyond the Superficial: 7 Principles from Proverbs About Friendship
It is often a problem, especially among men, that we don’t intentionally…
It is often a problem, especially among men, that we don’t intentionally seek out good friendships. Often we don’t seek out wise counsel unless we are seeking “expert” advice. It is easier to stay on…
5 Ways to Serve the Sexually Broken
When someone mentions missions, there are usually a few thoughts that come…
When someone mentions missions, there are usually a few thoughts that come to mind: Perhaps that is a shallow misrepresentation of how some people view missions. For many, though, it is a sad reality. Missions…
Do Christians Overhype Porn Addiction?
Is it true, as one survey suggests, that 50% of Christian men…
Is it true, as one survey suggests, that 50% of Christian men and 20% of Christian women would say they are “addicted” to porn? Really? Has it gotten that bad in the church? A recent…
What I should have told Bob Coy 29 years ago
Back in 1985, when I was an ambitious young church planter in…
Back in 1985, when I was an ambitious young church planter in South Florida trying desperately to make a name for myself, I met another young church planter who had just arrived from Las Vegas.…
How I Finally Broke Free from My 30-Year Addiction to Porn
The year 2004 began very bitter-sweetly. My addiction to pornography was no…
The year 2004 began very bitter-sweetly. My addiction to pornography was no longer a secret. That first look at porn at age 12 and the 30 years of addiction that followed had imploded on me.…
How do I hold someone accountable for their porn use?
Neuroscientist William Struthers talks about how you can be a good friend…
Neuroscientist William Struthers talks about how you can be a good friend to someone who is harming themselves with repeated use of pornography. How do you hold someone accountable for their use of pornography? Struthers…
Can I Circumvent Covenant Eyes?
There are ways to circumvent Covenant Eyes accountability software, not the least…
There are ways to circumvent Covenant Eyes accountability software, not the least of which is to go down to the local library and use its computers instead of your own. Those who are bent on…
Guilt vs. Shame: Why Definitions Matter
Among counseling ministries and recovery groups it is popular to distinguish between…
Among counseling ministries and recovery groups it is popular to distinguish between guilt vs shame. Feelings of guilt and shame, they say, are distinct experiences, though often related. Here’s the popular distinction: Guilt is feeling…
Fight Porn in Your Church: What Works and Why It Matters
Dead. That’s exactly how John felt that morning as he faced the…
Dead. That’s exactly how John felt that morning as he faced the platform. He was singing along with the music, eyes closed, trying to focus on the lyrics, trying to lift his heart to God…