Most Recent Posts in Defeat Lust & Pornography
My Sin Owned Me
I have long struggled with lust, first giving in to pornography as…
I have long struggled with lust, first giving in to pornography as a 6th grader. As I approach my junior year of college, I see the destruction that my addiction has caused and the further…
I Was an Altar Boy Addicted to Porn
Since I was young, I’ve battled with a deeply personal struggle: pornography…
Since I was young, I’ve battled with a deeply personal struggle: pornography and masturbation. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when this addiction took hold of me, but that first encounter remains etched in my memory.…
I Overcame My Fear of Abandonment
My struggles have been with pornography, masturbation, fanaticizing, objectifying, and lying. It…
My struggles have been with pornography, masturbation, fanaticizing, objectifying, and lying. It started after dealing with intense feelings of loneliness following my graduation from college and first job in ministry. I was spending a lot…
How to Trust People
After helping people overcome pornography for more than two decades, one thing…
After helping people overcome pornography for more than two decades, one thing has become clear: Defeating porn requires trustworthy relationships. Pornography develops a powerful grip on people that can’t be overcome in isolation. We need…
Running the Race With Endurance
“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart…
“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and redeemer” (Psalm 19:14). This passage has been the one I’ve been able to…
Killing the Dragon: My Struggle With Sexual Sin
The war that I have been waging against my flesh has been…
The war that I have been waging against my flesh has been going on for around six years now. The story of how that war began and how I came to faith in Jesus Christ…
Making This One Simple Sacrifice Will Help You Eliminate Porn
Sometimes the answers to our questions are simpler than we would like.…
Sometimes the answers to our questions are simpler than we would like. When I’m eating ice cream and cake late at night and begin googling “secrets to getting lean and jacked fast,” I’m looking for…
God’s Grace Set Me Free From Pornography
I had never had capabilities on any device (to my knowledge) to…
I had never had capabilities on any device (to my knowledge) to look up pornography until I was 16 years old, when my parents, younger brother, and I moved to the Middle East. Because of…
Reading Romance Novels: Is It Porn?
I encountered an influencer who shared a few verses on what the…
I encountered an influencer who shared a few verses on what the Bible tells us we should turn away from. She brought several verses to her followers’ attention, including Hebrews 13:4. “Marriage should be honored…
Pride and Porn: The Risk of Overestimating Your Willpower
These days, we’re often told to believe in ourselves, build our self-esteem,…
These days, we’re often told to believe in ourselves, build our self-esteem, and take pride in our abilities and accomplishments. But this pride might be what undermines our ability to deal with deeply ingrained struggles—like…