Most Recent Posts in Defeat Lust & Pornography
Fighting Temptation Like Tim Tebow
by Jared Totten Ever since I was old enough to hold my…
by Jared Totten Ever since I was old enough to hold my head upright on my own, I’ve always been just a one-sport fan. Even as a little kid, football has been my game of…
Surfing For God (Book Review)
I was grateful to get an advanced copy of Michael John Cusick’s…
I was grateful to get an advanced copy of Michael John Cusick’s book Surfing For God: Discovering Divine Desire Beneath Your Sexual Struggle. I heard him on Nate Larkin’s Pirate Monk Podcast talking about his…
How Do I Kick a Masturbation Addiction? (For Women)
It’s time to address a taboo topic: female masturbation addiction. For quite…
It’s time to address a taboo topic: female masturbation addiction. For quite a while now, masturbation has been a gray area of Christian sexuality. It is fairly “accepted” for men and rarely discussed among women.…
Why Is Porn Addictive?
Why do so many people have a difficult time quitting porn? At…
Why do so many people have a difficult time quitting porn? At Covenant Eyes, we hear from thousands of people—men and women, married and single, young and old, who consider themselves addicted. What causes this…
How to Stop Watching Porn: 6 Essential Steps to Quit
How do you stop watching porn? For some, pornography might seem like a harmless pastime, a…
How do you stop watching porn? For some, pornography might seem like a harmless pastime, a not-too-serious guilty pleasure, or an embarrassing habit. But maybe you’re one of the many who have realized the devastating effects that porn has…
Porn on Pinterest? The Darker Side of the Fastest-Growing Social Network
Pinterest is hot, pinned as one of the fastest-growing social networks ever.…
Pinterest is hot, pinned as one of the fastest-growing social networks ever. But the online pinboard has a dark side where people are showing off more than recipes and muscle cars. Created as a site…
5 Tips to Accountability on Smartphones
Until recently, there was an app called “Girls Around Me” that consolidated…
Until recently, there was an app called “Girls Around Me” that consolidated public data from Facebook and Foursquare and listed the females (or males) nearby. It was legal, if creepy, and it was the perfect…
Your Brain on Porn (Ebook Review)
Pornography remains in high demand for one reason: It is titillating, pure…
Pornography remains in high demand for one reason: It is titillating, pure and simple. The enemy would have us believe that he, not God, trades in pleasure, and that we who were created for sexual…
Does Anti-porn = Anti-sex?
As a Christian, and as someone who regularly speaks out about the…
As a Christian, and as someone who regularly speaks out about the evils of pornography, I am often accused of being anti-sex. This is an interesting but extremely faulty generalization to make. Historically, there have…
It’s All About Me: The Problem with Masturbation – Book Review
Winston Smith has been counseling for more than 15 years and is…
Winston Smith has been counseling for more than 15 years and is the author of a variety of CCEF resources related to marriage and sexuality. His minibook “It’s All About Me” attempts to tackle the…