Most Recent Posts in Defeat Lust & Pornography
The Bible and the Brain: How Scripture Strengthens And Renews Neurological Pathways
The Creator of the brain gave mankind a neurological handbook—the Bible. To…
The Creator of the brain gave mankind a neurological handbook—the Bible. To live new lives we just have to embed its truths into our daily thinking. Science shows us why the brain can so easily…
Moral Revolution (Book Review)
Good purity books don’t magically write themselves. They are forged out of…
Good purity books don’t magically write themselves. They are forged out of the author’s own experience as a sexual struggler, as a minister working with sexual strugglers, or both. Moral Revolution: The Naked Truth About…
Can you masturbate without lusting?
At first glance, the question, “Can you masturbate without lusting?” might seem…
At first glance, the question, “Can you masturbate without lusting?” might seem odd. Same with the question, “Is masturbation without porn a sin?” For those who feel no guilt or shame about the matter, the…
Secrets and Shame: Why we need to confess our porn struggles to others
“Everyone needs to write their stronghold down on a piece of paper…
“Everyone needs to write their stronghold down on a piece of paper and give it to your accountability partner.” My blood started to boil, and I set my jaw. Never before had I been more…
Why Guys Get Addicted to Internet Porn: The Neuroscience Behind Obsessive Behavior
Physiology teacher Gary Wilson has some keen insights about why men become…
Physiology teacher Gary Wilson has some keen insights about why men become addicted to Internet porn and some of its effects. The following 16-minute video gives viewers a brief tutorial of the neuroscience behind porn…
Dan’s Story: How Christ destroyed my addiction to lust
It all started for me in the mid-80s at a young age.…
It all started for me in the mid-80s at a young age. It was all innocent enough. My neighborhood friend found his dad’s stash of Playboys and he showed them to me. Like all addictions,…
What’s Wrong with a Little Porn When You’re Single? – Book Review
This week we are reviewing What’s Wrong with a Little Porn When…
This week we are reviewing What’s Wrong with a Little Porn When You’re Single?, published by Harvest USA. . . . . We write a lot about how porn damages marriages…and for good reason. Often, a…
Did I Just Lust After That Woman?
Not too long ago I received an e-mail asking a specific question…
Not too long ago I received an e-mail asking a specific question about lust. The man asked: Hey Luke, Personally, God brought me to a brick wall some years back with my porn addiction, and…
The Women Behind the Fantasy: The Day I Met a Porn Star
Over the last month I have been ministering to a young woman…
Over the last month I have been ministering to a young woman who struggles with pornography. I’m going to call her “Angie.” Angie was so relieved to have finally found a Christian woman who knows…
A Cure for Impotence: Stop Using Porn!
Ever notice all those “natural male enhancement” or “testosterone supplement” advertisements? They’re…
Ever notice all those “natural male enhancement” or “testosterone supplement” advertisements? They’re nearly everywhere, promising men “a better sex drive,” “improved vitality,” or to “…be the man you used to be.” Directly and indirectly, they…