Most Recent Posts in Defeat Lust & Pornography
What You See Is What You Get: Acting Out Porn in the Bedroom
While scrolling my Facebook newsfeed, I came across a status update from…
While scrolling my Facebook newsfeed, I came across a status update from a woman that read “I like porn!” Curious to read the comments to this bold statement, I quickly clicked the post and to…
4 Ways Porn Warps the Male Brain
I’ve often heard men say, “I love looking at porn. Besides it…
I’ve often heard men say, “I love looking at porn. Besides it doesn’t hurt anything. It’s only fantasy. What’s the problem?” Now, you may not have a moral problem with porn, but many are starting…
Your Fear of Getting Caught Is Contributing to Your Porn Addiction
What is your biggest fear? For me personally, it’s snakes. I hate…
What is your biggest fear? For me personally, it’s snakes. I hate snakes—even little, innocent, harmless garter snakes. I know they can’t hurt me. I’ve been told they’re more afraid of me than I am…
13 Ways Porn Will Ruin Your Life Before You Realize It
Pornography is a killer. Whether it is viewed sporadically or our indulgences…
Pornography is a killer. Whether it is viewed sporadically or our indulgences are a daily (or hourly) occurrence, it will within time prove to be the death of all that is good. We are often…
5 Questions Singles Often Ask About Lust & Pornography
How can a single Christian remain pure in a sexualized culture? Before we…
How can a single Christian remain pure in a sexualized culture? Before we released More Than Single: Finding Purpose Beyond Porn, Covenant Eyes surveyed hundreds of its members, asking what questions they have about singleness and…
Single and Lonely: How to Cope (Without Watching Porn)
One of the groomsmen at a relative’s wedding was also an old…
One of the groomsmen at a relative’s wedding was also an old college acquaintance of mine. We hadn’t kept in particular contact over the years, but we made sure to set aside a few minutes…
Is It Possible to Break Free From Porn?
Many people ask me—usually at the end of one of my presentations…
Many people ask me—usually at the end of one of my presentations about the effects of pornography—if it’s truly possible to be free from porn. They feel they’ve tried everything and are beginning to despair.…
Paul vs. Porn: How the Old Apostle Delivers a Death Blow to a Modern Addiction
Why are so many today seemingly hooked on porn—I mean, other than…
Why are so many today seemingly hooked on porn—I mean, other than the seductive naked people? More than one in three (39%) Christian men and one in eight (13%) Christian women say they believe their…
Is Masturbating Bad For You?
Is masturbation healthy? While no one ever masturbated while fantasizing about reducing…
Is masturbation healthy? While no one ever masturbated while fantasizing about reducing the risks of prostate cancer, there is a common idea that masturbation is good for your health. Some have even suggested that stopping…
Porn is Not Your Problem. Entitlement Is.
The greatest enemy of your marriage is not pornography. It is not…
The greatest enemy of your marriage is not pornography. It is not lust. It is not fantasy. It is entitlement. My wife and I were both virgins when we got married. My church upbringing and…