Most Recent Posts in Defeat Lust & Pornography
The Essential Reason Porn Is Wrong
Your web browser does not support iframes, which means that the video…
Your web browser does not support iframes, which means that the video The Essential Reason Porn Is Wrong cannot play. Porn Is Wrong for Many Reasons There are many reasons why people say we should…
Are You Repenting the Wrong Way?
How You Respond After Sinning Affects “The Next Time” As crazy as…
How You Respond After Sinning Affects “The Next Time” As crazy as it sounds, did you know that there’s actually a wrong way to repent? The Bible teaches us that there is a right way…
I Was a Christian Woman Hooked on Porn
I will never forget the day I confessed to my husband that…
I will never forget the day I confessed to my husband that I was not only watching porn, but I was watching lesbian porn. Despite the shame and guilt I felt, I did not know…
3 Reasons Anime Porn Is Bad for You
Today, there are a lot more people out there speaking out against…
Today, there are a lot more people out there speaking out against pornography on the grounds that it really isn’t a very healthy industry. The more they read the stories of the women and men…
Dismantling the Myth: “You Can Look, But You Just Can’t Touch”
Years ago I worked with a guy who was very open about…
Years ago I worked with a guy who was very open about the fact that he looked at pornography. He was married and had a few kids, but he brought porn magazines to work and…
Porn Addiction Recovery: 5 Ways to Avoid Burnout
Last week I was having an informal conversation with one of my…
Last week I was having an informal conversation with one of my accountability partners. Our chat flowed through normal catch-up material and soon the quintessential question arose: How are you doing with pornography? Having anticipated…
The Grace of God and the Porn Addict
I remember when I was struggling with sexual sin in my own…
I remember when I was struggling with sexual sin in my own life and how it was all I could think about. I lived in a world where guilt and shame reigned supreme. Instead of…
What You See Is What You Get: Acting Out Porn in the Bedroom
While scrolling my Facebook newsfeed, I came across a status update from…
While scrolling my Facebook newsfeed, I came across a status update from a woman that read “I like porn!” Curious to read the comments to this bold statement, I quickly clicked the post and to…
4 Ways Porn Warps the Male Brain
I’ve often heard men say, “I love looking at porn. Besides it…
I’ve often heard men say, “I love looking at porn. Besides it doesn’t hurt anything. It’s only fantasy. What’s the problem?” Now, you may not have a moral problem with porn, but many are starting…
Your Fear of Getting Caught Is Contributing to Your Porn Addiction
What is your biggest fear? For me personally, it’s snakes. I hate…
What is your biggest fear? For me personally, it’s snakes. I hate snakes—even little, innocent, harmless garter snakes. I know they can’t hurt me. I’ve been told they’re more afraid of me than I am…