Most Recent Posts in Defeat Lust & Pornography
How to Lose Your Desire for Porn and Lust
For many struggling with porn, their #1 goal is to stop looking…
For many struggling with porn, their #1 goal is to stop looking at it. This is why we install Covenant Eyes on our computers and have accountability partners ask us if we’ve stumbled this week…
3 Ways Porn Hijacks Your Brain
Scrolling through the images at the bottom of the news site, Jack…
Scrolling through the images at the bottom of the news site, Jack lingers on one of them. He lingers a little too long. Jack doesn’t know it yet, but a hijacking is in progress. You’ve seen…
Unwanted: How Sexual Brokenness Reveals Our Way to Healing Book Review
“How did I get here?” It’s a common refrain for most people, but…
“How did I get here?” It’s a common refrain for most people, but it slices to the heart of the man or woman struggling with porn and unwanted sexual behaviors. Too often the question is rhetorical…
The Problem With “Mommy Porn”
Traditionally, we have often thought of pornography as a struggle for men.…
Traditionally, we have often thought of pornography as a struggle for men. However, studies like those conducted by Covenant Eyes show that porn use among women is rapidly increasing, particularly among younger females. While some…
An Open Letter to My Future Husband
Dear Future Husband, Where are you? I’ve waited a long time for you…
Dear Future Husband, Where are you? I’ve waited a long time for you to appear. Most of my friends have already found love, but I’m still waiting for you. A decade ago I caught the bouquet…
How Life Becomes More Fulfilling Without Watching Porn
One of the most severe things porn does to someone is shape…
One of the most severe things porn does to someone is shape their brain to start seeing men and women in real life the way they see men and women in porn.
The Real Heart Cries Behind “God, Deliver Me from Lust!”
Over the years, I must have asked God over a thousand times…
Over the years, I must have asked God over a thousand times to set me free from lust and pornographic addiction. To no avail. I just couldn’t understand why I seemingly received no help or…
How to Tell Your Parents You’re Struggling with Porn
So, you’ve reached the necessary place of maturity or desperation (or both)…
So, you’ve reached the necessary place of maturity or desperation (or both) to recognize your need for your parents’ partnership in your fight for freedom from pornography. I hate that you find yourself in this…
Before You Tell Your Parents about Your Porn Struggle
So you’re ready to let the cat out of the bag and…
So you’re ready to let the cat out of the bag and confess your struggle with pornography? Here are a few approaches: Political Strategy: “Ahhhh… I might have a problem with some things I’ve sort…
To the Teen Alone and Ashamed of Your Porn Use
Shame Has No Age Limit Shame affects kids, teens, and adults. I’ll…
Shame Has No Age Limit Shame affects kids, teens, and adults. I’ll never forget receiving a phone call from a distraught mother who found my website, and called to share the story of her 9-year-old…