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Articles by Victory Stories

Every day at Covenant Eyes we hear inspiring stories of victory over porn. Share the story of your journey to freedom from pornography.

Image for article: Adultery of the Heart: How God Rescued Me From Porn Addiction

Adultery of the Heart: How God Rescued Me From Porn Addiction

As a man who suffered with internet pornography, I cannot look the other way anymore and deny the fact of how easy it is to type a simple word in a search engine and get…

Image for article: Porn Scar: Get Free, Stay Free, Free Others

Porn Scar: Get Free, Stay Free, Free Others

My first exposure to pornography happened when I was six years old. It happened on the playground. I can still remember the image to this day. That image hijacked my naïve six-year-old mind and was…

Image for article: Dan’s Story: How Christ destroyed my addiction to lust

Dan’s Story: How Christ destroyed my addiction to lust

It all started for me in the mid-80s at a young age. It was all innocent enough. My neighborhood friend found his dad’s stash of Playboys and he showed them to me. Like all addictions,…

Image for article: Nick and Carrie’s Story: The Insidious Nature of Porn

Nick and Carrie’s Story: The Insidious Nature of Porn

Nick’s Story: Why I am weak Loved ones always ignored my pornography use until my wife finally confronted me, exposing it for what it was: an addiction. Lust is a crazy thing: the lies that…