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Articles by Victory Stories

Every day at Covenant Eyes we hear inspiring stories of victory over porn. Share the story of your journey to freedom from pornography.

Image for article: Personal Integrity and the Road to Recovery

Personal Integrity and the Road to Recovery

Integrity could rightly be labeled the “litmus test” of true recovery from pornography. Addicts are prone to define sobriety and recovery on their own terms, and when they do so, that is all that they…

Image for article: What the Devil Meant for Evil, God Turned to Good

What the Devil Meant for Evil, God Turned to Good

In this short testimony, I will offer my testimony of failure, forgiveness, freedom, and a new family that began in a nearly decade-long addiction to pornography. God’s grace and sovereignty are written all over my…

Image for article: When Jesus Used Technology

When Jesus Used Technology

There’s a scene in John 13 that has always stuck out to me. Jesus gathered His disciples together for one last meal with them before he went to the cross. In this hour, the Savior…

Image for article: How Freedom From Porn Brought Mental Health

How Freedom From Porn Brought Mental Health

I first started following Jesus in 1998 when I was in the 8th grade. But by then, I had begun viewing pornography on the internet and struggled to control myself at times. When under stress,…

Image for article: Finding Purity of Heart Through Jesus

Finding Purity of Heart Through Jesus

I struggled with pornography and masturbation for the larger part of a decade. I was first exposed to porn at the age of eight and was captivated by it after I got my first smartphone…

Image for article: From Secret Addiction to Full Transparency

From Secret Addiction to Full Transparency

After being married for eight years, I came home unexpectedly one afternoon to find out that my husband had a pornography addiction. I was defeated, brokenhearted, and overwhelmed. I was a young, stay-at-home mom with…

Image for article: How Accountability Saved My Academic Career

How Accountability Saved My Academic Career

My struggles with pornography addiction have posed a major threat to my education since I was 12 years old. Starting at this time, I spent countless school nights in front of the computer in an…

Image for article: My Integrity Is Not for Sale: Living With Integrity in an Immoral World

My Integrity Is Not for Sale: Living With Integrity in an Immoral World

There are some statements that stick better in my mind than others. One statement that caught my attention years ago from a pastoral mentor: “My integrity is not for sale.” When I first heard this…

Image for article: John’s Story: From Darkness to Light

John’s Story: From Darkness to Light

How can a young person live a life of integrity using today’s technology? This is a question I have asked myself thousands of times. Growing up, it was always my heart’s desire to live a…