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Articles by Victory Stories

Every day at Covenant Eyes we hear inspiring stories of victory over porn. Share the story of your journey to freedom from pornography.

Image for article: How I Found Freedom From the Binge and Purge Cycle of Porn

How I Found Freedom From the Binge and Purge Cycle of Porn

Since the age of 11 years old, I have struggled with pornography and purity. I Was Trapped in a “Binge and Purge” Cycle I can still vividly remember the day that my innocence was stripped…

Image for article: Every Time I Confess My Sin is a Victory

Every Time I Confess My Sin is a Victory

Throughout high school, I struggled with porn and masturbation. I knew it was a problem, but at the time I cared about my pleasure and satisfaction. I felt guilt and shame, but that just led…

Image for article: Fight Fear With Freedom

Fight Fear With Freedom

I am going on just shy of a year free from online pornography. I am in a healthy and happy relationship with the love of my life, and my relationship with my family has never…

Image for article: I’m Thankful for the Beauty of Vulnerability

I’m Thankful for the Beauty of Vulnerability

When I reach the end of my life, I want to be able to say that no matter what happens, I strive to live each day with integrity. To me, this means matching my actions…

Image for article: Rebuilding Trust in Marriage Through Boundaries

Rebuilding Trust in Marriage Through Boundaries

In situations where a marriage has been affected by pornography use, it’s common for one person to feel responsible for the healing process, while the other doesn’t take enough responsibility. This dynamic can lead to…

Image for article: Porn Made Me Hate Everything—Until I Found Freedom

Porn Made Me Hate Everything—Until I Found Freedom

I have struggled with pornography since I was 15 years old. It started as curiosity and a natural hormonal shift that we all have as humans, but it quickly turned into an issue that lasted…

Image for article: Out of the Abyss: How Empathy Led to Freedom

Out of the Abyss: How Empathy Led to Freedom

Stuck. That’s how I felt. Stuck in an infinite abyss at the bottom of a deep, dark well. Stuck in the cycle of: Each time I looped through that cycle, I found myself digging deeper…

Image for article: The Journey to Conquer Pornography

The Journey to Conquer Pornography

I am an elite-level skateboarder who has been in the sport for fifteen years. I was raised in a Christian household, the eldest in my family, the adventurist, and the thrill seeker. My battle with…

Image for article: My War With Pornography

My War With Pornography

My war with pornography started when I was in junior high. It snuck into my world through a school project. Once I got a taste of it, my curiosity ignited and I explored my discovery.…