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Articles by Victory Stories

Every day at Covenant Eyes we hear inspiring stories of victory over porn. Share the story of your journey to freedom from pornography.

Image for article: I Was Tired of Guilt and Shame: Jonathan’s Story

I Was Tired of Guilt and Shame: Jonathan’s Story

At age 13 I received my very first personal electronic device, an Amazon Kindle Fire. My parents made sure that the browser was blocked to protect me from pornography. I still had access to the…

Image for article: My Biggest Struggles Were Hopelessness and Apathy

My Biggest Struggles Were Hopelessness and Apathy

Over the 13 years that I struggled with pornography the two biggest struggles I encountered were hopelessness and apathy. You can only have so many moments where you tell yourself, “This is the last time…

Image for article: I Kept My Porn Struggle a Secret—Until My Wife Confessed First

I Kept My Porn Struggle a Secret—Until My Wife Confessed First

“Everywhere”: temptation’s presence summed up in a single word. It is remarkable to me how humans thrive in our creative approaches to immorality. Before I was married and before I had ever heard of Covenant…

Image for article: Oh, To Be Transformed: Abigail’s Story

Oh, To Be Transformed: Abigail’s Story

The most beautiful gifts from God are the most perverted by the enemy, and from how perverted the sex industry has become, as well as evidence from the Bible, sex is also one of the…

Image for article: The Light Brighter than My Screen: My Journey to Graduating College Porn-Free

The Light Brighter than My Screen: My Journey to Graduating College Porn-Free

Dark room, bright computer screen. Shameful sins, burning lust. This is the story of so many men today. Sexual sin has always been a temptation, but never in all history has it been so available.…

Image for article: Pinterest Led Me Into Temptation

Pinterest Led Me Into Temptation

My journey to overcome pornography began in 2018. I was 14 years old, and I had an iPod, which my parents let me use unmonitored. I normally just played games and messaged my friends, but…

Image for article: My Sin Owned Me

My Sin Owned Me

I have long struggled with lust, first giving in to pornography as a 6th grader. As I approach my junior year of college, I see the destruction that my addiction has caused and the further…

Image for article: I Was an Altar Boy Addicted to Porn

I Was an Altar Boy Addicted to Porn

Since I was young, I’ve battled with a deeply personal struggle: pornography and masturbation. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when this addiction took hold of me, but that first encounter remains etched in my memory.…

Image for article: I Overcame My Fear of Abandonment

I Overcame My Fear of Abandonment

My struggles have been with pornography, masturbation, fanaticizing, objectifying, and lying. It started after dealing with intense feelings of loneliness following my graduation from college and first job in ministry. I was spending a lot…