Articles by Sherry Allchin
Sherry Allchin has been in some form of ministry for nearly fifty years, first as the wife of a youth pastor, then as a mother of three and a Christian school teacher. She now lives in Charleston, SC working at the Low Country Biblical Counseling Center. She completed her M.A. in Biblical Counseling and has been counseling individuals and families for over twenty years. Their adult children and seven grandchildren serve the Lord across the country. Sherry is a member of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. Her passion is helping others to grow in their faith and to make life count for eternity!

3 Ways Your Porn Use Degrades Your Wife
When you value porn more than your wife, it destroys your marriage! She wants you to stop viewing it, yet you continue. She believes you don’t value her enough to quit. Sometimes she asks herself,…

“Forgive Him? Never!” – 13 Excuses You’ll Use to Never Forgive Your Husband
Scenario: My husband committed adultery (or viewed pornography…again!) and has asked me to forgive him. I don’t think I can forgive him, but I know God has told us to forgive one another. How can…

When Porn Turns Your Husband into a Stranger
“I don’t even recognize my husband! The kind, gentle man I thought I married is gone and in his place is an angry, accusing man I don’t know. Porn turned him into a stranger.” This…

Why Your Husband Looks at Women Online (And What to Do About It)
Why would your husband look at another woman, whether online or in real life? From billboards to sex flicks to websites and chat rooms, opportunities are rampant. And it’s as easy as “sexting” pictures of…

What to Do if My Child Is Looking at Porn: 5 Critical Steps
“In the last days, perilous times will come….” (2 Timothy 3:1-5). Our children are growing up in a dangerous world, and as parents we cannot always protect them! Pornography is rampant and children are exposed…
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