Articles by Moriah Bowman
Moriah Bowman has been using Covenant Eyes since childhood. As a member of the Covenant Eyes team, she is passionate about writing and fighting pornography in the millennial generation. Moriah has a BA in political communications and plays an active role in fostering children of all ages who need a temporary safe home.

I Created Porn in My Head: David Heughin’s Story
When David Heughins became a born-again Christian at five years old, porn was the last thing on his mind. Raised in a parsonage, he wasn’t supposed to “struggle” with anything. Unfortunately, David’s Christianity was mostly…

10 Phrases Every Person Overcoming Porn Needs to Hear
As an ally or friend to someone working to overcome pornography, knowing what to say to them through their inevitable ups and downs can be challenging. You may not even have any idea of what…

Here’s What 3 Teens Have to Say About Porn
We have received thousand of stories from people who have used Covenant Eyes to help them overcome porn addiction. Each story is unique, but all are incredibly powerful. As someone who has grown up using…

3 Reasons Why I Will Never Allow My Children on TikTok
When I opened the TikTok app for the first time, it took me less than a minute to find explicit content. I wanted to do some research into the claims that this extremely popular platform…

50 Things to Do Instead of Watching Porn
So you’re bored. Porn seems like a good way to fill time, right? Wrong. When you find yourself with nothing to do, it’s easy to turn to porn. Unfortunately, this only leads to false satisfaction…

Friends, Coworkers, and Allies: Kody and Ben’s Story
Kody and Ben have been friends for almost 10 years. They have what most would call a “normal” friendship—hanging out on the weekends, walking through life’s challenges together, and even working at the same company!…

10 Amazing Resources for Talking to Kids About Porn
Talking to kids about porn sounds, at the very least, like an awkward conversation. Even parents aware of the dangers of pornography are often unsure how to approach the topic in an age-appropriate way. Finding…

They Will See Porn: Mom of 6 Gets Real About Her Kids
“My boys think they’re immune to porn. I know that they aren’t.” Sandy has been a stay-at-home mom to six kids for 24 years, three of whom are teenage boys still living at home. Because…

True Story: Woman Finds Healing After 15 Years of Addiction
To maintain anonymity, we have removed the name of the user who submitted this story and replaced her name with “G.” This is a true story. “I was raised in a big Christian, conservative home…
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