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Articles by Matt Fradd

Matt Fradd is the author of Delivered: True Stories of Men and Woman Who Turned from Porn to Purity. After experiencing a profound conversion at World Youth Day in Rome in 2000, Matt has worked through full-time lay ministry in Australia, Ireland, Canada, and Texas. He has served as an apologist for Catholic Answers and has traveled all over the world, speaking to tens of thousands of teens and young adults. He and his wife Cameron have four children and live in North Georgia.

Image for article: Does Porn Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Does Porn Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Back in 2013, GQ Magazine published an article called, “10 Reasons Why You Should Quit Watching Porn.” Yes, the same GQ that published its “100 Hottest Women of the 21st Century” feature in the same year they…

Image for article: Do women look at porn? Yes. Here are the stats.

Do women look at porn? Yes. Here are the stats.

If there ever was a time when porn was an exclusively male habit, that time is long gone. Here are some of the most recent statistics about women and pornography use… Your web browser does…