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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

Image for article: Accountability in the Bible: Good Preventative Medicine

Accountability in the Bible: Good Preventative Medicine

Often people in the church treat accountability as a last resort, not a lifestyle. Accountability is a buzz word among Christians—perhaps an overused one—that sounds like a great idea, but for many it isn’t very…

Image for article: Covenant Eyes Refer a Friend Program: Earn a $15 Credit for Every Account

Covenant Eyes Refer a Friend Program: Earn a $15 Credit for Every Account

Over the last 14 years, the #1 way others have heard about Covenant Eyes has been word-of-mouth: one person telling a friend about the power of Internet accountability. This Christmas, we want to give back to those who…

Image for article: How to Block and Monitor Porn on the iPhone

How to Block and Monitor Porn on the iPhone

If you are concerned about pornography being accessed on your iPhone®, iPod touch®, or iPad®, you can use Covenant Eyes to help you.  Covenant Eyes can monitor and block access to mature content. You can…

Image for article: The Apostle Paul: 5 Secrets to Fighting Sexual Sin

The Apostle Paul: 5 Secrets to Fighting Sexual Sin

Hugh Hefner didn’t invent sexual sin. It is a problem that has been around since our ancestors walked east of Eden, and it will be around until the new Jerusalem descends upon us. The good…

Image for article: How to monitor teens online: A parental question in the digital age

How to monitor teens online: A parental question in the digital age

When it comes to Internet safety, the early and middle childhood years can seem cut-and-dry for parents: set rules, monitor, block, filter. Easy. But as kids become teenagers, parenting can feel like uncharted waters—especially online.…

Image for article: 5 Secrets to Walking in the Spirit

5 Secrets to Walking in the Spirit

The following is adapted from Your Brain on Porn, a free ebook available from Covenant Eyes. The Bible does not describe us merely as wayward, broken, or needing a moral boost but as those who…

Image for article: Stories of Hope After Porn: Marriages That Made It Through

Stories of Hope After Porn: Marriages That Made It Through

When a man is entrenched in porn, is there hope for his marriage? Can he change? Can he restore trust with his wife? Can she forgive him? Can their marriage flourish some day? These are…

Image for article: How to Raise a Porn Addict: Are you making these parenting mistakes?

How to Raise a Porn Addict: Are you making these parenting mistakes?

Now that the first of the Internet generation has entered adulthood, porn use has become more common than ever before. Old Internet filtering approaches aren’t enough anymore. Parents need to understand the problem and create…

Image for article: Is Porn Addiction Real or Myth? The Debate Continues

Is Porn Addiction Real or Myth? The Debate Continues

What if someone told you—despite what popular media says—that “sex addiction” or “porn addiction” aren’t real? What if someone told you the whole thing is an inaccurate label that isn’t helping but is rather harming…