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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

Image for article: How to Keep a Porn-User for Life

How to Keep a Porn-User for Life

When it comes to porn, don’t get distracted by the sex and miss what really drives the industry: money. Pornography isn’t a back-alley business of repressed artists looking to explore the pleasures of erotica. It…

Image for article: Porn In Your Dating Relationship: How to Find Healing Through Transparency

Porn In Your Dating Relationship: How to Find Healing Through Transparency

Episode 142 [powerpress] When you’re in a serious dating relationship or engaged, what should you do when you discover your boyfriend or fiancé watches porn habitually? While many relationship counselors advise transparency and honest conversation around…

Image for article: XES: Why Church Girls Tend to Get It Backwards

XES: Why Church Girls Tend to Get It Backwards

Episode 141 [powerpress] In some church circles, sex is a dirty word filled with notions of forbiddenness and shame. Joy McMillan wants to help change that. Her new book, XES: Why church girls tend to…

Image for article: Preparing Your Kids To Stand Against Porn: “Name It When You See It”

Preparing Your Kids To Stand Against Porn: “Name It When You See It”

Parents today don’t have the privilege of avoiding a discussion about porn with their kids. We get it. The idea of bringing up the subject of porn with your kids, especially your little kids, might…

Image for article: The Sex Trafficking Issue No One Is Talking About

The Sex Trafficking Issue No One Is Talking About

Episode 140 [powerpress] Sex trafficking is one of the great social justice issues of our time, but unfortunately society largely ignores how pornography is related to trafficking. We interviewed Liz Yore, Oprah Winfrey’s former legal child…

Image for article: My Teenage Daughter and I Fight Over Internet Issues. What do I do?

My Teenage Daughter and I Fight Over Internet Issues. What do I do?

Last week I got an e-mail from a concerned mom with a 15-year-old daughter. She was frustrated because of Internet related battles at home. Over the years there has been a lot of back and…

Image for article: 10 New Stats About Porn That Should Scare You

10 New Stats About Porn That Should Scare You

Research on pornography comes out every year, and 2014 was no exception. Overall, the trends were predictable: more people are watching porn, and more porn is available now than ever before. Still, when you drill…

Image for article: Porn Addiction Problems: Effects on Marriage (Infographic)

Porn Addiction Problems: Effects on Marriage (Infographic)

A survey taken among divorce lawyers found that 56% of divorce cases involve at least one party having an “obsessive interest in pornographic websites.” The more we know about the effects of pornography on the brain,…

Image for article: You Do Not Get the Gospel If It Does Not Change You

You Do Not Get the Gospel If It Does Not Change You

“It is mainly the deeds of noble love that lead many to put a brand upon us. They say, ‘See how they love one another.'” – Tertullian, AD 197 How does God transform people from the…