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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

Image for article: The Path to True Intimacy and Better Sex

The Path to True Intimacy and Better Sex

Every husband who wants to improve his sex life should learn to spell. Typically, guys spell intimacy S-E-X, said Dr. Dan Erickson. It’s not entirely our fault. Our sexualized culture has encouraged the misspelling, and…

Image for article: How do I hold someone accountable for their porn use?

How do I hold someone accountable for their porn use?

Neuroscientist William Struthers talks about how you can be a good friend to someone who is harming themselves with repeated use of pornography. How do you hold someone accountable for their use of pornography? Struthers…

Image for article: Lust After Death: Advice to a Widower Who Fantasizes About His Wife

Lust After Death: Advice to a Widower Who Fantasizes About His Wife

A week or so ago I received an e-mail from a man whose wife passed away recently. They had been married for nearly 40 years. In his loneliness, he says, he fantasizes about times of intimacy with…

Image for article: Can I Circumvent Covenant Eyes?

Can I Circumvent Covenant Eyes?

There are ways to circumvent Covenant Eyes accountability software, not the least of which is to go down to the local library and use its computers instead of your own. Those who are bent on…

Image for article: Guilt vs. Shame: Why Definitions Matter

Guilt vs. Shame: Why Definitions Matter

Among counseling ministries and recovery groups it is popular to distinguish between guilt vs shame. Feelings of guilt and shame, they say, are distinct experiences, though often related. Here’s the popular distinction: Guilt is feeling…

Image for article: Can Married Couples Enjoy Pornography Together?

Can Married Couples Enjoy Pornography Together?

When it comes to pornography, women have differing opinions. For some wives, if their husband watches porn, it is seen as an assault on their marriage. For other wives, they join their husbands and bring…

3 Reasons Married Couples Use Covenant Eyes

Porn. No matter how much or little of it we’ve seen, we hear from couples all the time who want to guard their marriages from potential temptations online. Six couples shared with us why they…

Image for article: Can you masturbate without lusting?

Can you masturbate without lusting?

At first glance, the question, “Can you masturbate without lusting?” might seem odd. Same with the question, “Is masturbation without porn a sin?” For those who feel no guilt or shame about the matter, the…

Image for article: Why Guys Get Addicted to Internet Porn: The Neuroscience Behind Obsessive Behavior

Why Guys Get Addicted to Internet Porn: The Neuroscience Behind Obsessive Behavior

Physiology teacher Gary Wilson has some keen insights about why men become addicted to Internet porn and some of its effects. The following 16-minute video gives viewers a brief tutorial of the neuroscience behind porn…