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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

Image for article: More Than Single: Interview with Lisa Eldred

More Than Single: Interview with Lisa Eldred

Episode 148 [powerpress] Pornography use is, sadly, common among singles today. According to a recent survey, 70% of single men and 16% of single women watch porn at least once a month. For single Christians, often…

Image for article: Josh McDowell Talks with Parents About Sex Ed

Josh McDowell Talks with Parents About Sex Ed

Episode 147 [powerpress] Josh McDowell has spent over 50 years traveling the globe to tell the message of Jesus Christ. Josh has delivered more than 27,000 talks to over 25 million people in 125 different countries. He is…

Image for article: Priceless Promises for Porn Addicts

Priceless Promises for Porn Addicts

Episode 146 [powerpress] Often, accountability partners simply don’t know how to encourage and guide those who struggle with pornography. One of the best ways Christian accountability partners can help each other is to engage around…

Image for article: The Tipping Point: How Bible Engagement Helps Us to Fight Pornography

The Tipping Point: How Bible Engagement Helps Us to Fight Pornography

Episode 145 [powerpress] Most Christians have heard that reading your Bible is essential for spiritual growth, but what does that really mean? What does engaging with the Bible really look like? Does it really impact…

Image for article: Paul vs. Porn: How the Old Apostle Delivers a Death Blow to a Modern Addiction

Paul vs. Porn: How the Old Apostle Delivers a Death Blow to a Modern Addiction

Why are so many today seemingly hooked on porn—I mean, other than the seductive naked people? More than one in three (39%) Christian men and one in eight (13%) Christian women say they believe their…

Image for article: God Over Porn: The Idolatry of Porn Addiction

God Over Porn: The Idolatry of Porn Addiction

Episode 144 [powerpress] God Over Porn is a ministry to those trapped in pornography addiction. Through online and face-to-face communities, God Over Porn seeks to equip men and women with an understanding of who they…

Image for article: Why Do Married Men Watch Porn?

Why Do Married Men Watch Porn?

Unfortunately, married men often watch porn. One survey found that as many as 55% of married men say they look at porn at least once a month, and over a quarter admitted to looking at it…

Image for article: Josh McDowell Presents the Set Free Summit

Josh McDowell Presents the Set Free Summit

Our friend Josh McDowell visited the Covenant Eyes headquarters last week so we could work through some of the details of his upcoming global summit: Set Free. Our CEO Ron DeHaas pulled Josh aside to ask him…

Image for article: Porn Addiction & Men’s Ministry: The Missing Link of Discipleship

Porn Addiction & Men’s Ministry: The Missing Link of Discipleship

Episode 143 [powerpress] The global ministry of Man in the Mirror has served the church over the last 25 years with the vision of “every church discipling every man.” But what happens when so many men…