Articles by Luke Gilkerson
Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at

10 Gospel-Centered Accountability Principles (or, How a Puritan Might Run an Accountability Group)
How do we slay the power of sin in us? What means has God given us to destroy sinful lusts? Too often we look for the answer to that question on a vertical plane only:…

Resources for Wives of Porn Addicts
If your husband looks at porn, you know firsthand the pain, frustration, and confusion that this can inflict. You are not alone. Ever since our blog was launched in 2008, we’ve written hundreds of articles…

3 Gospel Principles for Battling Porn Addiction
I can vividly remember the fear that gripped my life a decade ago when I was battling porn addiction. I remember the long nights binging on porn on my computer, tucking myself away in remote…

Internet Monitoring Software: “Spying” on Your Husband
For the woman who is suspicious that her husband may be looking at porn or flirting with other women online, Internet monitoring software can help you find out the truth. Catching your husband “red handed”…

Beyond the Superficial: 7 Principles from Proverbs About Friendship
It is often a problem, especially among men, that we don’t intentionally seek out good friendships. Often we don’t seek out wise counsel unless we are seeking “expert” advice. It is easier to stay on…
Porn Users Have Smaller Brains
According to a new German study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Psychiatry, there is a significant correlation between higher consumption of porn and a lower amount of grey matter in your…

Do Christians Overhype Porn Addiction?
Is it true, as one survey suggests, that 50% of Christian men and 20% of Christian women would say they are “addicted” to porn? Really? Has it gotten that bad in the church? A recent…

Helping Your Teen Daughter Who Struggles With Porn
If there ever was a time in our culture when porn was an exclusively male habit, that time is long gone. It is common for women to view porn. About a quarter of young girls,…

Hypofrontality: How Using Porn Destroys Your Willpower
Hypofrontality isn’t a word you see every day—but it might hold the secret to why you keep looking at porn. Neuroscience now knows that willpower is a function of the prefrontal lobes of the brain. Scientific studies…
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