Articles by Luke Gilkerson
Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at

Pornography: An Equal Opportunity Destroyer (Infographic)
Statistics show that the use of pornography is on the rise, especially among young people. For some demographics, we can safely say that pornography use is not the exception anymore: it is the norm. This infographic…

Teaching teens about sexual purity isn’t good enough. Here’s why.
Is the phrase “sexual purity” overused in the church today? Your answer to this question will depend greatly on the church circles in which you run, but the heart of the question is meant to…

Yes, Using Porn Is Cheating. Here’s Why.
I’ve heard it said that there are men who don’t look at porn, and then there are men who are breathing. If recent surveys are any indication, porn use has become the norm among men, not…

Is It Wrong to Masturbate to Fantasies of My Wife?
Is masturbating to your wife a sin? What if you masturbate to thoughts of your fiancé or girlfriend? We received this question from someone in our community: “I have asked several pastors/mentors/friends about masturbation and…

Praying for My Porn Addict Husband: Serena’s Story
November 15, 2007, is a day that Serena Abdelaziz will never forget. She had been living in a nightmare. Her husband Josh had sunken into pornography addiction, and his growing discontentment enticed him to look…

The Apostle Paul: 5 Secrets to Fighting Sexual Sin
Hugh Hefner didn’t invent sexual sin. It is a problem that has been around since our ancestors walked east of Eden, and it will be around until the new Jerusalem descends upon us. The good…

5 Secrets to Walking in the Spirit
The following is adapted from Your Brain on Porn, a free ebook available from Covenant Eyes. The Bible does not describe us merely as wayward, broken, or needing a moral boost but as those who…

Is Porn Addiction Real or Myth? The Debate Continues
What if someone told you—despite what popular media says—that “sex addiction” or “porn addiction” aren’t real? What if someone told you the whole thing is an inaccurate label that isn’t helping but is rather harming…

Destroying Porn Addiction Starts with Destroying Shame
Is destroying porn addiction possible? For many men and women, this habit runs so deep, our personal vows to stop seem worthless to us anymore. The Bible sees a vital link between sexual sin and social…
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