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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

Image for article: Preaching About Sex: Using the Song of Solomon to Challenge a Porn Culture

Preaching About Sex: Using the Song of Solomon to Challenge a Porn Culture

Episode 167 [powerpress] Three thousand years ago, Solomon’s most celebrated love song, “The Song of Songs,” presented a very countercultural view of sex, one that shattered both pagan and prudish views of sexuality. Today, the message…

Image for article: Why Playboy Is Saying Goodbye to Nude Photos (and why I have mixed feeling about that)

Why Playboy Is Saying Goodbye to Nude Photos (and why I have mixed feeling about that)

Playboy magazine’s editorial team has just announced they will no longer be featuring nudity. I know what you’re thinking: “Um, what’s a magazine?” Playboy just had its 62nd birthday this month. On October 1, 1953,…

Image for article: The Missing Foundation of Family Life

The Missing Foundation of Family Life

Episode 166 [powerpress] When couples hit a marriage crisis or when parents hit a parenting crisis, often what is needed is not just more or better information to solve the problems. Rather, what is needed…

Image for article: Porn Use as Grounds for Divorce: How My Opinion Changed

Porn Use as Grounds for Divorce: How My Opinion Changed

“I am hurting so much over this…If I believed in divorce I would already have done it, and I am beginning to maybe believe divorce is ok. After all, this seems like a type of…

Image for article: How to Conquer the Power of Sin

How to Conquer the Power of Sin

Episode 165 [powerpress] Paul tells us in Galatians 5:16-18, “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit,…

Image for article: Bringing the Sexual Spark Back to a Porn-Scarred Marriage

Bringing the Sexual Spark Back to a Porn-Scarred Marriage

Episode 164 [powerpress] Often we hear from couples struggling in their marriages because of a husband’s use of porn. How do couples bring both trust and real sexual intimacy back to their marriages when they’re…

Image for article: The Lies Men Believe About Porn

The Lies Men Believe About Porn

Episode 163 [powerpress] Often when it comes to overcoming a deeply ingrained habit of looking at pornography, men often don’t know where to start. The most pressing need they feel is quitting something that has…

Image for article: Is Courtship in Crisis? (Part 3 of 3)

Is Courtship in Crisis? (Part 3 of 3)

Episode 162 [powerpress] For the last two weeks we’ve been interviewing Thomas Umstattd, Jr., author of Courtship in Crisis: The Case for Traditional Dating. For seven years Thomas ran the website PracticalCourtship.com, but eventually, after speaking with a…

Image for article: Is Courtship in Crisis? (Part 2 of 3)

Is Courtship in Crisis? (Part 2 of 3)

Episode 161 [powerpress] Last week we began our conversation with Thomas Umstattd, Jr., author of Courtship in Crisis: The Case for Traditional Dating. Seven years ago, Thomas would have been an unlikely person to write such a book—he…