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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

Image for article: Infographic Contest Winners

Infographic Contest Winners

When we launched our infographic contest last month, we had no idea we would have so many great submissions. We even added a prize level, awarding $100 to our 10 popular vote finalists. Today we announce the popular…

Image for article: Destroying Porn Addiction Starts with Destroying Shame

Destroying Porn Addiction Starts with Destroying Shame

Is destroying porn addiction possible? For many men and women, this habit runs so deep, our personal vows to stop seem worthless to us anymore. The Bible sees a vital link between sexual sin and social…

Image for article: Big Mistakes Churches Make When Helping Porn Addicts

Big Mistakes Churches Make When Helping Porn Addicts

A recent survey indicates that 52% of Christian men and 10% of Christian women view porn at least several times a month. Most of these individuals sit in their churches week after week, and no one…

Image for article: Infographic Contest Top 10: Vote for Your Favorite

Infographic Contest Top 10: Vote for Your Favorite

After nearly 170 submissions for our infographic contest, we were overwhelmed with both the quantity of submissions and the quality of many of them. Based on a popular vote, here are the 10 finalists. It’s…

Image for article: 10 Gospel-Centered Accountability Principles (or, How a Puritan Might Run an Accountability Group)

10 Gospel-Centered Accountability Principles (or, How a Puritan Might Run an Accountability Group)

How do we slay the power of sin in us? What means has God given us to destroy sinful lusts? Too often we look for the answer to that question on a vertical plane only:…

Image for article: How Pornography Drives the Demand for Sex Slavery

How Pornography Drives the Demand for Sex Slavery

The following is an excerpt from the book, Stop the Demand: The Role of Porn in Sex Trafficking. According to Shared Hope International’s report on the demand for sex trafficking, pornography on the Internet is…

Image for article: Resources for Wives of Porn Addicts

Resources for Wives of Porn Addicts

If your husband looks at porn, you know firsthand the pain, frustration, and confusion that this can inflict. You are not alone. Ever since our blog was launched in 2008, we’ve written hundreds of articles…

Image for article: Film About Breaking the Silence Around Porn Addiction: Get It Now for 30% Off

Film About Breaking the Silence Around Porn Addiction: Get It Now for 30% Off

Finally a visual tool to combat the visual assault of pornography on our families. Alan is a quiet, unpretentious bachelor with a dark obsession. After repeated encounters with pornography, he gradually finds himself immersed deeper and deeper in…

Kids’ Safety Online: A Quick Conversation Guide for Parents

In today’s digital world, there is a disconnect between parents and children about the use of technology. Time online is largely private time. For both adults and children alike, this leads to a variety of…