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Articles by Lisa Eldred

Lisa Eldred is the Educational Content Strategist at Covenant Eyes, and has 10 years of experience in researching and writing about porn addiction and recovery. She has authored numerous blog posts and ebooks, including More Than Single, Hobbies and Habits, and New Fruit, which was co-authored with Crystal Renaud Day. Her writing about faith and fandoms can be found at Love Thy Nerd.

Image for article: Single and Lonely: How to Cope (Without Watching Porn)

Single and Lonely: How to Cope (Without Watching Porn)

One of the groomsmen at a relative’s wedding was also an old college acquaintance of mine. We hadn’t kept in particular contact over the years, but we made sure to set aside a few minutes…

Image for article: Singleness and Longing: Why Porn Is Not the Cure

Singleness and Longing: Why Porn Is Not the Cure

Valentine’s Day is still a few weeks away, but the seasonal items—the balloons, the teddy bears, the crummy candy in heart-shaped cardboard boxes—are already going up in the stores. Pretty strange, considering that as I’ve…

Image for article: 3 Reasons Accountability Is Better than Internet Filtering

3 Reasons Accountability Is Better than Internet Filtering

Not too long ago, I spoke with a friend of mine who recently started using Covenant Eyes to protect his teenage sons, one of whom had been struggling with pornography. “It’s going well,” he said.…

Image for article: Should I Buy My Child an iPod touch? 5 things to do before you do

Should I Buy My Child an iPod touch? 5 things to do before you do

Have your kids started to make their Christmas lists yet? As Black Friday approaches here in the US (as well as Cyber Monday for online retailers), it may be tempting to snap up that iPod…

Image for article: Why spying on your husband is a bad idea (and what to do instead)

Why spying on your husband is a bad idea (and what to do instead)

“I used to dream that I would meet a prince But God Almighty, have you seen what’s happened since?” -Madame Thenardier, Les Miserables One of the things I dislike about most Disney princesses is that they…

5 Tips to Accountability on Smartphones

Until recently, there was an app called “Girls Around Me” that consolidated public data from Facebook and Foursquare and listed the females (or males) nearby. It was legal, if creepy, and it was the perfect…