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Articles by Lisa Eldred

Lisa Eldred is the Educational Content Strategist at Covenant Eyes, and has 10 years of experience in researching and writing about porn addiction and recovery. She has authored numerous blog posts and ebooks, including More Than Single, Hobbies and Habits, and New Fruit, which was co-authored with Crystal Renaud Day. Her writing about faith and fandoms can be found at Love Thy Nerd.

Image for article: Survey Shows That Women Feel Isolated in Their Struggle With Porn

Survey Shows That Women Feel Isolated in Their Struggle With Porn

One of the problems of working in the field of porn addiction and recovery is that many of us tend to assume certain things about porn users. We tend to stereotype them as men married…

Image for article: 3 Ways to Break the Trigger of Boredom

3 Ways to Break the Trigger of Boredom

What drives you to porn? What are the specific triggers that cause you to crave it? There may be a number of triggers. You’re hungry. You’re anrgy. You had a bad day at work. You’re…

Image for article: How to Preach About Porn Without Filling Your Email Inbox

How to Preach About Porn Without Filling Your Email Inbox

Your Church Probably Needs to Talk More About Pornography “Now, I know I’m going to get a lot of emails about this…” It was a joke Noel made often. Noel is the lead teaching pastor…

Image for article: An Open Letter to My Future Husband

An Open Letter to My Future Husband

Dear Future Husband, Where are you? I’ve waited a long time for you to appear. Most of my friends have already found love, but I’m still waiting for you. A decade ago I caught the bouquet…

Image for article: Why Mere Willpower Isn’t Enough to Fight Porn

Why Mere Willpower Isn’t Enough to Fight Porn

Even if you don’t know Terry Crews by name, you’ve seen his face. The former NFL player-turned-actor has been in TV shows (such as Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Arrested Development) and movies (such as Idiocracy and…

Image for article: Porn and the Elephant

Porn and the Elephant

Recently, some front-line workers who fight against pornography addictions have noticed how some unique factors, which are seemingly disconnected from porn, have helped contribute to successfully quitting porn. Two people stand out. The first is…

Image for article: 3 Lessons Movies Teach Us About Accountability

3 Lessons Movies Teach Us About Accountability

If I fall, I fall alone, but two can help to bear the load A threefold chord is hard to break All I have I give to you if you will share your sorrows too…

Image for article: How Covenant Eyes Helps Protect Your Kids on Mobile

How Covenant Eyes Helps Protect Your Kids on Mobile

“Excuse me. The pastor mentioned pornography in today’s message. Do you have any resources on that?” From my position behind the info booth at my church, I hid a little bit of a laugh from…

Image for article: 5 Questions Singles Often Ask About Lust & Pornography

5 Questions Singles Often Ask About Lust & Pornography

How can a single Christian remain pure in a sexualized culture? Before we released More Than Single: Finding Purpose Beyond Porn, Covenant Eyes surveyed hundreds of its members, asking what questions they have about singleness and…