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Articles by Lisa Eldred

Lisa Eldred is the Educational Content Strategist at Covenant Eyes, and has 10 years of experience in researching and writing about porn addiction and recovery. She has authored numerous blog posts and ebooks, including More Than Single, Hobbies and Habits, and New Fruit, which was co-authored with Crystal Renaud Day. Her writing about faith and fandoms can be found at Love Thy Nerd.

Image for article: 5 Big Questions About Christians and Porn

5 Big Questions About Christians and Porn

Christians and porn have an odd relationship. Most Christians, if asked, would say that porn is wrong, yet an increasing number of Christians (including women, kids, and pastors) admit to watching it. Part of the…

Image for article: The Benefits of Quitting Porn: What Do You Hope to Gain?

The Benefits of Quitting Porn: What Do You Hope to Gain?

Do you think you’ll actually benefit from quitting porn? It sounds obvious to say it, but the secret to successfully quitting porn is actually wanting to quit porn. The unfortunate reality is that, deep down,…

Image for article: Survey Shows That Women Feel Isolated in Their Struggle With Porn

Survey Shows That Women Feel Isolated in Their Struggle With Porn

One of the problems of working in the field of porn addiction and recovery is that many of us tend to assume certain things about porn users. We tend to stereotype them as men married…

Image for article: 3 Ways to Break the Trigger of Boredom

3 Ways to Break the Trigger of Boredom

What drives you to porn? What are the specific triggers that cause you to crave it? There may be a number of triggers. You’re hungry. You’re anrgy. You had a bad day at work. You’re…

Image for article: How a Better Theology of Women Could Help Your Church Find Freedom from Porn

How a Better Theology of Women Could Help Your Church Find Freedom from Porn

Recently, Elyse Fitzpatrick and Eric Schumaker, authors of Worthy: Celebrating the Value of Women, invited me to be part of their podcast to discuss women in the church. More specifically, they wanted me to talk…

Image for article: Porn in a Pandemic: Leading Your Church During Coronavirus

Porn in a Pandemic: Leading Your Church During Coronavirus

We get it. It’s hard to shepherd your flock right now, with your church building most likely shut down. You’re probably scrambling to figure out how to livestream your sermon, or if you’re used to…

Image for article: Touch: Undervalued and Misused, but Designed by God

Touch: Undervalued and Misused, but Designed by God

When is the last time somebody touched you on purpose? Maybe it was this morning, when you and your spouse kissed each other goodbye before work. Maybe it was two weeks ago when you went…

Image for article: Reflections on Love: Advent Week 4

Reflections on Love: Advent Week 4

We’re down to the last few days of reflecting on Christ’s first and second comings. So far we’ve looked at several stories that spoke about how Christ is the fulfillment of our hopes, how God…

Image for article: Reflections on Joy: Advent Week 3

Reflections on Joy: Advent Week 3

We’re onto the third week of Advent, and we again invite you to join us as we reflect on Christ’s first and second comings. So far we’ve looked at several stories that spoke about how…