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Articles by Lisa Eldred

Lisa Eldred is the Educational Content Strategist at Covenant Eyes, and has 10 years of experience in researching and writing about porn addiction and recovery. She has authored numerous blog posts and ebooks, including More Than Single, Hobbies and Habits, and New Fruit, which was co-authored with Crystal Renaud Day. Her writing about faith and fandoms can be found at Love Thy Nerd.

Image for article: Women Addicted to Porn: What You Need to Know to Break Free

Women Addicted to Porn: What You Need to Know to Break Free

“I’m a girl, I struggle with this daily, I fail daily,” said Pauli. “I was hooked and feared being found out and rejected as the freak I felt I was,” shares Jennifer. Raechel told us,…

Image for article: 4 Key Features of Great Porn Addiction Apps

4 Key Features of Great Porn Addiction Apps

Porn use is common—incredibly common. A 2016 survey by the Barna Group found that 46% of men and 12% of women intentionally seek out porn at least once a month. And, even more accidentally stumble…

Image for article: Porn and the Hope of Resurrection

Porn and the Hope of Resurrection

One early spring day, a little over a week before his own death, Jesus stood at the side of a tomb, weeping. A dear friend had been laid inside several days earlier. The man’s two…

Image for article: Understanding the Shame Cycle

Understanding the Shame Cycle

Shame plays a very important role in the ongoing use of pornography. In his book Unwanted, Jay Stringer found that for each unit of shame they felt, men were 300x more likely and women were…

Image for article: “Help! My Wife Is Addicted to Porn!” What Husbands Need to Know

“Help! My Wife Is Addicted to Porn!” What Husbands Need to Know

If you are a husband who just discovered your wife is addicted to porn, you are likely dealing with feelings of grief, betrayal, and confusion. Betrayal is one of the most devastating experiences in a…

Image for article: 7 Things Female Porn Users Wish Their Pastors Understood

7 Things Female Porn Users Wish Their Pastors Understood

Hi. My name is Lisa, and I have a porn problem. Ironically, I’m probably the last person you’d think would have one. I’m a woman. I’m active at church. I’m single and still “saving myself…

Image for article: Porn and Parenting Styles: What Pastors Need to Know

Porn and Parenting Styles: What Pastors Need to Know

Not too long ago, I wrote a piece about the connections between purity culture’s teachings and pornography use. As I mentioned there, one of the biggest issues with purity culture is that it allowed parents…

Image for article: Purity Culture and Its Unfortunate Intersection With Porn

Purity Culture and Its Unfortunate Intersection With Porn

It seems like every few weeks, something happens to make purity culture trend on Twitter. As of this writing, it’s trending due to the release of a podcast about the brief lifespan of a major…

Image for article: What to Do if Your Husband Lies About Porn Use

What to Do if Your Husband Lies About Porn Use

You just caught your husband watching porn. And you felt it. The sinking feeling in your stomach. The stab across your chest when you saw what your husband was looking at. Maybe even the screaming void…