Kristen Clark

Articles by Kristen Clark

Kristen Clark is married to her best friend, Zack. She is the co-founder of GirlDefined Ministries and author of Girl DefinedLove Defined, and Sex, Purity, and the Longings of a Girl’s Heart. She is passionate about promoting the message of God-defined womanhood through blogging, speaking, mentoring young women, and hosting Bible studies in her living room. In the end, she’s just a fun-lovin’ Texas girl who adores all things outdoors and drinks coffee whenever possible.

Image for article: How to Deal with Secret Sexual Struggles

How to Deal with Secret Sexual Struggles

My heart was pounding. My hands were sweaty. I knew I needed to be honest about my struggle but it was the last thing in the world I wanted to talk about. Especially to my…

Image for article: Christian Women Need to Talk About Sexuality

Christian Women Need to Talk About Sexuality

I was shocked when they announced the title of the next book study that we would be doing. I was sitting in a room in my church next to Zack, surrounded by other small group…

Image for article: 4 Reasons Women Struggle to Be Honest About Their Sexual Sin

4 Reasons Women Struggle to Be Honest About Their Sexual Sin

Being honest about my past struggles with sexual sin and masturbation wasn’t easy. In fact, I didn’t want to be honest about it. I didn’t want to confess it. I wanted to shove those struggles into the…

Image for article: How to Help Your Daughter Fight for Purity

How to Help Your Daughter Fight for Purity

When I was a teen, the thought of telling my parents about my sexual struggles absolutely terrified me. I knew I needed help, but for some reason they were the last ones I wanted to…

Image for article: For Singles: How to Handle a Strong Sex Drive in a God-Honoring Way

For Singles: How to Handle a Strong Sex Drive in a God-Honoring Way

With tears streaming down my face, I sat alone in my room. As a 22-year-old Christian single woman, I was battling against my flesh and the sexual temptations in my mind…again. I wanted to be…

Image for article: Women and Masturbation: Talking About It Openly (Part 2)

Women and Masturbation: Talking About It Openly (Part 2)

This is the second half of a two-part series on the topic of women and masturbation. If you missed my first post, I highly recommend reading it before you read this one. In the first…

Image for article: Women and Masturbation: Talking About It Openly

Women and Masturbation: Talking About It Openly

Lust is not a guy problem–it’s a human problem. If you’re a woman who has struggled with any sort of lustful sin habit, including masturbation, you’re not alone. Millions of Christian women (single and married) are…

Image for article: The Sex Buffet: How Availability Changes the Way Culture Sees Women

The Sex Buffet: How Availability Changes the Way Culture Sees Women

I was at our local grocery store the other day in the checkout aisle when I saw her. I had never seen anything this disturbing in my grocery store before. There she was, right in…

Image for article: When Wives Unknowingly Tempt Their Husbands Toward Lust

When Wives Unknowingly Tempt Their Husbands Toward Lust

I was standing in line at my local grocery store when an obnoxious magazine caught my eye. I’m used to seeing half-naked women on the cover of tabloids, but this image seemed even too edgy…